There are a number of occasions in Sons and
Daughters when, instead of following the day-to-day struggles
of the Hamiltons, Palmers, Morrells et al, time jumps
forward suddenly by a few days or, on occasion, a few months.
Chronicled below are the times when the action moved more quickly
than normal.
Episode 1

The very first scene of the very first episode of
Sons and Daughters is set up using this caption to indicate
a flashback to Sydney in 1962.
Episode 1

Halfway through Episode 1, the action switches to
modern-day Melbourne, heralded by this caption.
Episode 4

At the beginning of Episode 4 - the first 'proper' episode after
the three half-hours that make up the series opener - there is
a recap of events covered in the first three episodes - beginning
with a return to Sydney in 1962.
Episode 4

Events then move forward to Melbourne in 1982...
Episode 4

...and then to Sydney in 1982.
Episode 531

There's a very long gap before any further captions are used
to indicate that time has jumped. The next occasion occurs after
Patricia undergoes surgery on her leg in the 1984 season finale
(Episode 528): she's released from hospital but has to use a wheelchair.
Three days pass and she starts walking - albeit tentatively -
again - just a few hours before the wheelchair explodes, it having
been boobytrapped with a bomb.
Episode 540

Karen Fox manipulates events so that Wayne thinks
he's killed Bob 'Mitch' Mitchell. At the end of Episode 539, Karen
persuades Wayne that they need each other. At the beginning of
Episode 540, this caption appears: three months have elapsed and
Wayne and Karen are marrying at Dural.
Episode 545

After Patricia flees Australia following the attempts on her
life by Roger Carlyle's men, Charlie tracks her down to Rio De
Janeiro. Charlie's arrival in Rio is heralded by this passing
of time.
Episode 588

After Jenny Turner discovers that someone wants to build an abbatoir
at Woombai, a week passes and the action switches to the plans
to save the area from a development that will destroy it.
Episode 650

Gordon and Barbara meet Mary Reynolds at Woombai and take care
of her after she's tracked down by Mark Sproule, who's determined
to kill her to gain an inheritance that he believes should have
gone to him instead of Mary. When Gordon and Barbara decide to
return to Dural, two days pass between their announcing the fact
and their arrival in Sydney with Mary.
Episode 657

Time moves on by two weeks in this episode after Roger Carlyle
has tricked Gordon into selling Woombai to him; Mary Reynolds
has agreed to have reading and writing lessons; and Leigh has
decided that her son, Shane, is better off staying with Leigh's
Episode 719

A week passes after Fiona undergoes an operation to treat her
cancer, Caroline is blackmailed into selling her shares in the
company and Alison expresses interest in the mansion.
Episode 888

After Ginny Doyle and Glen Young are killed in a car accident
while chasing Wayne, three days elapse, covering the day of Ginny's
funeral and carrying events forward to the day of Glen's
Episode 896

This caption appears at the beginning of the episode in which
Gordon and Beryl marry.
Episode 905

After a drunken Wayne is shot by the pool at Dural, he's treated
in hospital, where he struggles to remember who pulled the gun
on him. A week passes before he's released. The passing of time
also speeds up the release of Pamela Hudson from prison back into
Episode 915

Wayne tells the police that it was Beryl who shot him - even
though he recalls later that it was Susan. Beryl is held on remand
and a month passes before the beginning of her trial.