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    Written by: Don Battye   Produced by: Posie Jacobs   Directed by: Julian McSwiney

Barbara is mopping the hallway floor at Dural when there's a knock on the front door. She answers it to find a woman standing there. The woman explains that Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton are expecting her - she's Dorothy Harris. Barbara invites her in. Dorothy looks around and then asks conspiratorially, "What are they like?" Barbara replies in bemusement, "Um... they're quite normal. They're very nice people." Dorothy asks, "Have you worked for them long?" Barbara tells her, "Quite a while." She then smiles and introduces herself! Dorothy quickly says she's sorry, but Barbara assures her that she should apologise for playing games; she just wanted to have the place sparkling by the time Dorothy arrived, but she blew it! Dorothy smiles. She then asks carefully if Karen is there, but Barbara tells her that she isn't at the moment. Dorothy replies that that's good - she didn't want a slanging match. Barbara shows her into the lounge room, where Gordon is sitting with a file. He stands up as the two women walk in and Barbara introduces him and Dorothy to each other. They shake hands and Gordon offers drinks. Both women ask for a gin and tonic. Barbara tells Dorothy to sit down and she does so. Barbara sits down next to her. Dorothy comments that she has to say that she wasn't looking forward to coming. From behind the bar, Gordon asks if their reputation is that bad, but Dorothy assures him that it's not that - it's only that she thought that if they were mixed up with Karen, they couldn't have had much going for them. Barbara tells her that it wasn't by choice. Dorothy retorts that that's good - it makes all the difference as far as she's concerned. Barbara says, "Well you see, Dorothy--" Dorothy interrupts her and smiles, "Please call me Dotty - all my friends do. Unless you think it sounds too stupid...?" Barbara assures her, "Not at all!" She then goes on that they got involved with Karen, because it was a necessity; it's a little difficult to explain, but it was purely a business decision. Gordon hands over the drinks and sits down. As he does so, he tells Dorothy that the first thing they want her to understand is that they have no intention of manipulating her out of her money. Dorothy replies that she reckons she's a pretty good judge of character, and she asks him what he's got in mind. Gordon tells her, "It's quite simple, really: you leave the money invested with us and that way it's working for you." Dorothy remarks that that makes sense, and she asks him if he can explain exactly how it works. Gordon tells her that he'll be more than happy to. He picks up the file he was looking at and hands it over, telling her that it contains an outline; anything that isn't clear, she can just ask and he'll put her straight.

Katie is sitting in the lounge room at Charlie's when Charlie wanders in. Katie comments to her that she's back earlier than she expected, and Charlie tells her bitterly, "Why prolong the agony?" Katie asks if it was that bad, but Charlie replies, "No, not really. But it was a bit difficult knowing I had to cool him off. I couldn't come straight out and say I wasn't really the maternal type." Katie asks her how she got around it, and Charlie sits down, explaining as she does so that she mentioned her own two children and subtly pointed out how relieved she was when they could fend for themselves. Katie asks how Larry took it, and Charlie replies that he put on a brave front, but underneath she could see that he was shattered - but she had no choice: she might have been able to cope with four children, but when he mentioned the ferrets, she knew there was no hope... Katie sits there with a bit of a smirk on her face, but she manages to look serious as she comments, "It must have been hard for you." Charlie tells her, "I can't say I'm not disappointed. He was such a sweetie; so many of them are. I must confess, I'm getting to the stage where I'm thinking there's absolutely no hope of me ever finding the right man again." Katie tells her not to get all depressed. She then changes the subject and adds that she brought the mail in for her. She stands up to pick it off the sideboard and Charlie asks if there was anything exciting. She adds that she loves getting letters! Katie tells her that there was one for Amanda; she doesn't know who thinks she lives there. Charlie starts looking through the envelopes that Katie has handed her and asks in concern, "Where is it?" Katie explains that she took it across to the Hamiltons' and gave it to Wayne. Charlie opens her mouth in shock and exclaims, "Oh no. What did you do that for?" Katie points out that the Hamiltons will see Amanda before they will. Looking at the expression on Charlie's face, she asks what's wrong. Charlie tells her, "If Wayne finds out who it's from, there'll be all hell to pay..."

In the lounge room at Dural, Gordon is telling Dorothy that, in short, it's a good, safe investment and it'll provide her with a permanent income. Handing back the file, Dorothy smiles that it's better than keeping it under the bed, she supposes! She then adds, "It's a pity." Barbara asks sharply, "What is?" Dorothy explains that, to tell the truth, it's a good offer, but it doesn't mean quite as much as paying Karen back for something she did many years ago. Gordon looks at her and she goes on that Karen could have stopped Alan being taken away from her, but she didn't - and that hurt, even though she never let Karen know how much; and she never let on how upset she was about him dying, either. Barbara suggests that that was years ago, adding that it's a long time to hold a grudge, isn't it? Dorothy agrees, "Maybe - but it's hard. I know Karen's my sister, but she's the only person in my life I've ever really wanted to pay back for anything. Barbara mutters that she knows what Dorothy means. Gordon chips in that there would be repercussions if Dorothy decides to withdraw her money from the company. Dorothy looks at him and he goes on that he's not trying to give her a sob story, or attempt emotional blackmail, but a lot of people would be hurt. Dorothy sighs and tells him, "Yeah, I know. And that's why, regardless of what I said, I am going to consider your offer." There's suddenly a knock at the front door and Gordon goes to get it. As he does so, Barbara offers Dorothy another drink. Gordon opens the door to find Charlie standing there. He quickly tells her that she's sorry, but they're entertaining; well, it's business, really. Charlie blurts out, "Oh, I won't interrupt, darling, but it's terribly important. Well, Katie brought a letter over addressed to Amanda, but it wasn't really for her, it was for me. I just wondered if I could get it back." Gordon stares at her and tells her that he has no idea what she's talking about! Charlie suddenly spots the pile of mail by the 'phone, and she points it out and asks Gordon if he'd be a darling and check the mail for her. Gordon suggests that they leave it to later, but Charlie assures him that it won't take a moment, and Gordon gives in. As the two of them walk over to the telephone table, Charlie asks if Wayne is around, but Gordon replies that he had to go out somewhere. Charlie asks him if he knows how long he'll be, but Gordon says he doesn't. Charlie tells him that it is rather urgent. Gordon looks through the letters and tells her sternly, "Charlie, I don't know where he went. There's nothing here for Amanda. Now if you'll excuse me, I must get back to my guest." He escorts her to the door. As he does so, Karen walks in and heads straight into the lounge room. Charlie calls "Karen!" but Karen snaps, "Not now, Charlie." Gordon calls after Karen as well, but it's too late: Karen has found Dorothy sitting in the lounge room and she exclaims curtly, "Oh. Hello." Barbara tells her that they've just had a long chat with Dorothy and she's being very reasonable about the whole situation. Karen growls that she bets she is - it's called lulling them into a false sense of security; now that Dorothy has got her where she wants her, she's going to enjoy every minute. Dorothy smiles at her and retorts, "You're right, Karen - I am." She then stands up and tells Gordon and Barbara that she's sorry, but it's exactly as she thought it would be. She goes to walk out. Barbara follows her and pleads with her to think very carefully before she makes a decision. Dorothy snaps, "I could never go into business with her," and she heads for the front door. Barbara goes with her. Gordon closes the lounge room doors and snaps at Karen, "You had to say it, didn't you?" Karen growls, "She's my sister. I know exactly what she's like. You've been fooled if you thought she was serious about leaving the money in the company; she just wants to play games with me for a while." Gordon retorts, "I think you're wrong - we were doing very nicely until you arrived." Karen snaps, "Thought you were - and nothing will convince me otherwise." Changing the subject, she suddenly asks why Wayne isn't there. Gordon replies that he had to go out; something urgent, apparently.

Wayne gets out out of his car, holding the letter that Mitch wrote to Amanda. He approaches a white-painted house and stops at the bottom of the path, staring at it. A man's voice calls from nearby, "Can I help you there?" Wayne approaches the man - who's doing some gardening - and explains that he's looking for a Bob Mitchell - 'Mitch'; he understands he boards there. The man replies that that's right - but he's not there at the moment; he's still at work. He adds that Wayne can wait for him if he likes - he usually gets home a bit after 5pm. Wayne says he will.

Barbara closes the front door at Dural. Gordon comes out of the study and asks if Dorothy has gone. Barbara tells him curtly, "Yes." Gordon asks if she said anything else, but Barbara retorts, "No." She goes to head into the lounge room, adding as she does so that Dorothy did say, 'Thankyou for the drinks, and she was terribly sorry, but...'. Gordon concludes, "But, she doesn't want anything to do with Karen..." Barbara agrees, "Not a thing." Gordon comments that it makes it difficult. Barbara snaps that she says it makes it impossible, but Gordon suggests that they shouldn't throw the towel in yet - he thinks, for a while, they were getting on quite well; he thinks that, if they just give her time to cool down and one of them goes over there and explains to her that she can still invest in the company without ever seeing Karen or having anything to do with her, then maybe they'll get somewhere. Barbara laughs bitterly and comments, "Yeah, might snow tonight, too." She quickly adds that she's sorry - he's right. Gordon points out that there's a hell of a lot at stake. Barbara murmurs that she knows. She goes on that it seems to her that she'd made up her mind, that's all. Gordon suggests that they just hope they can change it.

Fiona is talking to Stephen on the 'phone at the Woombai homestead. She thanks him and hangs up. As she does so, Cheri asks her how Chris is, and Fiona replies that, apparently, he's got a broken leg and a few bruises, but apart from that, he's alright. She goes on that, when they've plastered up his leg, they're going to take him to the police station; she's really worried about what's going to happen to that boy. Cheri points out quietly that he'll have to be committed for treatment; he's a very disturbed young man. Fiona closes her eyes, sadly, and Cheri holds her arms compassionately. Fiona tells her that she'll never forget that she owes her life to her and Stephen. She adds that Woombai just doesn't seem the same anymore; she thinks she should be with Jill at Alan's funeral, so she thinks she'll nip back to Sydney as soon as she can. Cherie tells her that she'll come with her, but Fiona asks her if she doesn't think she should stay there. Cheri tells her quietly, "When Chris was pointing that gun at me, he did more than scare me. He made me feel a bit like a person drowning; you know what they say about your life rushing past?" Fiona nods. Cheri continues, "Well, for the first time in my life, I wondered whether what I'd done was the right thing. And now I've decided: I can't go on being a law unto myself. I have to face what I've done. When I get back to Sydney, I'm going to tell the police everything." Fiona, looking surprised, asks her if she realises what could happen. Cheri murmurs, "Yes. I could go to jail for a very long time..."

A few moments later, Fiona tells Cheri to look what happened to Barney: he so wanted to be honest about what he'd done, and she gave him his wish, but she can see the misery it caused and she's not so sure it was worth it. Cheri tells her that it's not the same, but Fiona retorts that the principle is the same; what is she going to prove by going to jail?; who is she going to help? Cheri replies that it'll get it off her chest. She goes on that she was so certain that what she was doing was the right thing; it's a terrible feeling to start having doubts about something you believe in so long. Fiona tells her, "All I'm saying is, you think very, very carefully before you make the decision." Cheri replies quietly, "I've made my decision. I have to do it - otherwise I'll never be able to live with myself again."

That evening, in the lounge room at Dural, Gordon tells Karen curtly that he thinks she was far too hasty; he was convinced that Dorothy was on the edge of coming on-board when she arrived home. Karen snaps, "Don't talk nonsense." She then asks, "Where the hell is Wayne?" Gordon growls at her that she can't just ignore the problem; unless they talk Dorothy into leaving her money in the company, they go down the drain; she can't just put it in the 'too hard' basket. At that moment, the front door opens and Wayne walks in. Karen, ignoring Gordon, runs out into the hallway and demands from him, "Where on earth have you been all day?" Wayne retorts - calmly - "Out: an old friend rang, asking for help." Karen asks, "Who? What was wrong?" Wayne tells her that he had to go out, that's all; now, he's tired, and he's going to bed. He heads off upstairs, leaving Karen standing in the hallway, looking worried.

At Charlie's, Katie carries two mugs of coffee into the lounge room and, as she hands one to Charlie, comments that that was a terrific meal, even if she does say so herself. Katie just replies flatly, "Yes, you're very good in the kitchen." Katie, sensing that something is wrong, asks her what the problem is: Larry? Charlie replies, "Oh no - I've put it right out of my mind." Katie sits down and comments that she's not still worried about that letter from Amanda, is she? - she doesn't even know what's in it. Charlie cries, "Oh dear. I have to tell someone - but it's strictly between us." Katie comments that it can't be that serious, but Charlie says she's afraid it is. She adds, "You see, Wayne thinks he killed Bob Mitchell - by accident - and Karen knows he didn't; Mitch is actually living in Berrima." Katie exclaims, "And she hasn't told him?" Charlie explains that Karen organised the whole thing - paying Mitch to disappear. Katie comments that that's terrible, and she asks Charlie why she hasn't said anything to Wayne. Charlie tells her that it hasn't been easy - but she only found out the day they were married, and she couldn't face the thought of being the one who broke them up. Katie points out curtly that Wayne would be better off without Karen, but Charlie tells her to think of poor Karen - she only did it because she was desperate; she loves Wayne. Katie comments sourly that it sounds like Charlie is on Karen's side. Charlie replies that she's sorry for her, she can't deny that - she's a very sad lady. Katie snaps, "Well, too bad. I think Wayne should be told as soon as possible." Charlie, though, retorts that interfering won't do any good; she thinks they should both stay out of it. Katie points out that all Amanda has to do is mention that she's had a letter from Mitch and Wayne will know anyway. Charlie admits, "True..." She then cries, "Oh dear... why do people have to give me all their secrets?"

Fiona and Cheri have arrived back at the boarding house, and as they walk along the corridor to Fiona's flat, Fiona comments that it always seems further when you're driving at night! They pass a man walking the other way, and Fiona muses, "Do I know him?" Cheri tells her that she doesn't. Fiona puts the key in the lock and opens the door. As they walk inside, Fiona says she guesses Jill has gone to Amanda's; she'd better 'phone her and tell her that they've come-- She breaks off as Jill suddenly emerges from her bedroom - wearing a very short pink robe - and asks in surprise, "What are you doing here?" Fiona points out that she might ask Jill the same thing. Jill nervously explains that, when Amanda went to Woombai, she thought she might as well move back in. Fiona accepts, "Oh, well, fair enough." Cheri heads into the kitchen as Fiona asks Jill who that guy was that they just saw walking down the corridor. Jill, looking shifty, replies, "Oh, um... oh, he knocked, but he had the wrong address." Fiona accepts this. She then goes on sympathetically that Cheri told her about Alan. Jill looks down and asks if they can talk about it later. Fiona assures her, "Yes, of course." She then says brightly that, before she goes unpacking, she's going to say 'hello' to her little girl. Jill, though, quickly tells her that she's with Bunty and Thel; they offered to take her from her tomorrow while she was at the funeral, but only if they could have her tonight as well. Fiona laughs, "Typical them!" Jill then points out that Fiona wasn't supposed to be back tonight. Fiona hesitantly replies that they had to have a slight change of plans, but she won't bother explaining that now. Jill accepts this and says bluntly that she's going to bed. Fiona asks her if she's alright, but Jill assures her that she's fine - she just needs some sleep. She heads off to bed. Cheri comes out of the kitchen and hands Fiona a mug of tea. Fiona says she's going to have to watch Jill - there's no way she can tell her about Robin yet. The two of them sit down and Fiona asks Cheri if she could put off going to the police - at least for a few days. She adds that Cheri can see how upset Jill is and she would think that Karen is feeling the same way; if Cheri talks to the police now, Jill and Karen are going to have to get involved, answering questions...; she just feels it would be so unfair on them. Cheri muses that she supposes it would. She then adds, "Alright, I'll hold off for a few days." Fiona smiles and thanks her. She adds that it'll give Cheri time to think about it, anyway.

The next morning, Wayne is talking on the 'phone on the bar at Dural. He says, "Goodbye," as Gordon and Karen walk into the room and he tells them that that was Dorothy. Gordon comments that he didn't hear the 'phone and Karen asks, "What was she doing: gloating?" Wayne retorts, "Not exactly - she's decided she wants her money out of the company, and as soon as possible." Gordon curses, "Damn." Karen points out that she told him. Wayne goes on that he's going to see Dorothy and talk to her personally. Karen tells him that it'll be a waste of time, but Wayne retorts that he thinks he can make her see sense. Karen cries, "I need you with me today. The funeral..." Wayne assures her bluntly that he'll be back in time. Gordon tells his son that he thinks it is a good idea that he tries talking to her, but he mustn't let her think he's conning her; he found yesterday that it's best to be completely honest. Wayne mutters that he knows what he's doing, and he walks out.

The 'phone rings in Fiona's flat and Cheri calls out, "It's OK - I'll get it." She picks up and says, "Hello?" A man comes on and says, "Ah, good morning. I'd like to make an appointment to see Jill this afternoon." Cheri queries, "Sorry?" The man repeats, "An appointment with Jill. I need some... full body massage." Cheri, looking surprised, snaps at him, "You've got the wrong number," and she slams the 'phone down. Fiona comes out of her bedroom and asks who that was. Cheri replies that it was another idiot calling about a massage. Fiona cries, "Oh no... I thought all of that was over and done with." Cheri goes on, "The strange thing is, though, he asked for Jill." Fiona, looking surprised, suggests that Chris must have used another advertisement and put Jill's name in it. She then asks Cheri not to mention it to Jill - she's got enough on her plate today. At that moment, Jill comes out of her room and announces that she's ready. Fiona asks her if she's sure she's alright, and Jill mutters, "I have to be, don't I?" Fiona puts her arm through Jill's and tells her, "That's my girl." They head out, leaving Cheri looking worried.

Karen is standing in the lounge room at Dural, dressed in black and looking worried. Barbara and Gordon come in from the hallway, and Barbara suggests to Karen that they should move or they're going to be late. Karen asks in concern where Wayne is, adding that he promised he'd be back in time to take her. Gordon tells her to calm down, and he suggests that his son has probably gone straight to the funeral home. Karen asks anxiously why he didn't ring first, and Gordon points out that he's probably caught up with Dorothy - and if he is, they're probably getting somewhere. Barbara tells Karen, "We'll be with you," but Karen cries, "I need Wayne." Gordon says he's sure he'll be there. They head out.

Wayne is sitting in his car. There's blood on his shirt and he's wiping his hands with a handkerchief. There's a grim look on his face...

Andy and Cheri are walking along the corridor at the boarding house, and Andy is saying to Cheri that he'll tell her: he's really worried about Jill - she's been acting so strange since she came back from Amanda's place yesterday. Cheri tells him that she was really quiet this morning, but she just put that down to being depressed about Alan. Andy explains that she was going on about that stuff about being jinxed with guys. Fiona and Jill suddenly come round the corner, and Fiona murmurs, "Well, that's all over." Jill asks for the key to the flat, and Fiona hands it over. Jill grabs it and rushes inside, leaving Fiona looking surprised. Cheri asks Fiona how Jill handled it. Fiona pulls the flat door shut and then replies, "Well, she almost got to the point where she was going to break down, but unfortunately, she wouldn't. I'm sure that's what's needed; you know, it just doesn't do any good to bottle these things up inside." In the flat, Jill is sitting on the couch, looking at herself in a small hand mirror. She then throws it down on the floor in anger, and it smashes. Fiona comes in and asks what's wrong. Jill replies calmly, "I dropped the mirror." She starts picking up the pieces, but Fiona sits down next to her and says cheerily, "Hey, I've got a wonderful idea: why don't I shout you a holiday? Somewhere nice, like a South Pacific cruise?" Jill, though, cries, "It would just be a waste of money. I'm not worth spending it on." Fiona assures her that of course she is, but Jill cries, "I'm not worth anything. I'm just a useless jinx. Alan died so I wouldn't have to look after him." Fiona shakes her head, but Jill insists angrily, "It's true. I've said it before and it's true: you should have left me where I was; you should never have taken me home in the first place. I belonged where I was." Fiona pulls her towards her and hugs her, telling her not to think like that.

Gordon opens the front door at Dural and he, Barbara and Karen walk slowly into the house. Karen is looking upset, and Gordon tells her that he thinks she should lie down straight away. Karen, though, tells him that she couldn't rest. Wayne suddenly wanders out of the lounge room, wearing a light suit. Karen cries at him, "Where were you? I needed you." Wayne tells Gordon and Barbara that he needs to talk to Karen by himself. Gordon asks what happened with Dorothy, and Wayne replies, "I'll tell you in a minute." Karen walks into the lounge room and Wayne closes the doors behind him as he follows her in. Karen immediately demands, "Why were you away so long?" Wayne turns to face her and explains, "Dorothy told me she hadn't made a will - so the money would go to the next of kin, just the same as Alan." Karen asks him what he's talking about. Wayne pulls aside his jacket to reveal the blood on his shirt and explains, "I killed her for you." Karen stares at the stain in shock. Wayne adds, "You don't have to worry about her anymore." Karen, looking horrified, whispers, "You're joking, aren't you?" Wayne assures her calmly, "No. You showed me how to get away with murder. It wasn't hard the second time, believe me. When Dorothy refused to leave the money in the company... well, it was the simplest thing to do." Karen whispers, "You're not serious; you can't be." Wayne asks her if she can help him get rid of the body, like she did with Mitch; they can dump him in the same way; no one will ever find her. Karen cries, "You couldn't have done it, you couldn't have." Wayne, though, insists, "But I have. I told you, it's easy the second time." He suddenly grabs Karen's arm and adds, "Come on - she's in the boot of my car." Karen looks horrified.

Charlie and Katie are standing in the hallway at Charlie's, and Charlie comments that it's odd Wayne not being at the funeral with Karen; she's got an awful feeling that he's found out about Mitch. Katie retorts that if he hasn't, she thinks he should. She adds that she's going over there to talk to him. Charlie pleads with her not to interfere, but Katie retorts that she can't let him suffer like that. She heads out, leaving Charlie looking worried.

Wayne is dragging Karen up the driveway at Dural, as she cries, "Wayne, no, no..." She tries to pull away, but Wayne snaps, "You have to help me. I've got to get rid of the body." Karen cries, "Please, Wayne, no... " Wayne growls, "It's not very nice - there's lots of blood - but you will help me, won't you? You love me." Karen cries, "Of course I do, but--" Wayne interrupts and snaps, "Good, then you'll help me." They come to a halt by Wayne's car, which is parked in one of the garages, and Karen stands there panting in shock as Wayne holds the key next to the boot. He points out angrily that there's nothing for her to be frightened of - she was strong when she got rid of Mitch's body, and he knows how much she loves him; she can do it again. He grabs her hand so that they put the key in the boot lock together. Wayne then lets go, leaving Karen to open it up. She does so, slowly - to find it empty. She looks at Wayne in surprise, and he snarls, "How did it feel to really think I'd killed someone? All this time you made me suffer. Believe me, what you felt just then is nothing compared to what you put me through. You are a malicious, possessive bitch. The only reason you did it was to force me into marrying you, wasn't it? Wasn't it?" Karen stands there, her lip quivering, as Wayne goes on furiously, "I saw Mitch yesterday. He sent Amanda a letter." Karen cries, "I love you." Wayne shouts, "Love? You call what you did to me 'love'? I call it sick. You revolt me. You're not going to own me anymore." He suddenly puts both hands round Karen's neck and starts shaking her. Katie, who's approaching the house, suddenly spots them and starts running towards them as Wayne yells at Karen, "That's what you did. You owned me; I don't call that love. Well, no more." Karen chokes, "Wayne, stop it! Wayne, let go!" Katie runs over to them and pulls Wayne's hands off Karen's neck, shouting as she does so, "Wayne, stop it. Wayne, let her go." She pushes Wayne away. Wayne glares at Katie and snaps, "No, she'll be alright. Leave her." Turning back to Karen, he stabs his finger at her and adds angrily, "I've never hated anyone in my life the way I hate you." He walks off, leaving Karen holding her neck and sobbing in shock.


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