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    Written by: Maureen Ann Moran   Produced by: Posie Jacobs   Directed by: Brian Lennane

Gordon is sitting on the couch in the lounge room at Dural, looking through the mail. Barbara joins him and asks if there's anything interesting. Gordon laughs that she'll be delighted to know that they can have personal exercise mats - or a set of leather-bound classics: Crime and Punishment, Remembrance of Things Past...! Barbara muses, "Perhaps we should buy those books for James: Crime and Punishment might teach him retribution always catches up with you!" Gordon, though, tells her that she's forgetting one thing: in James's eyes, he's the villain of the piece. Barbara asks why and Gordon explains, "I was always the favourite." He adds that it's sad: people try not to have favourites, but somehow it just happens. Barbara asks how old James is now. Gordon muses, "He must be 38 - he left home when everything was left to me." Barbara suggests, "Surely he knew that you were prepared to give him a share?" Gordon replies, "Of course, but I could never find him. And now, according to the solicitor, he's very bitter." Barbara snaps, "It's not your fault that he was cut out." Gordon muses, "You convince him of that." Barbara goes on, "You are about to hand over a fortune to him. He should respect you for that." Gordon, though, laughs bitterly, "Knowing James, he'll think I'm a mug." Barbara assures him, "I don't. I think you're a very honourable man and I love you for it." She kisses him.

At the boarding house, Chris approaches the door to Fiona's flat. Samantha is just coming out and Chris asks her what's going on. Samantha quickly tells him, "Nothing." Chris goes on, "I saw you and Andy bring Fiona in. She looked straight through me, like she was off the planet." Samantha explains quickly that she's still very upset about Hung running away. The door to Fiona's flat suddenly opens again and Andy emerges, saying to Fiona as he leaves, "You just take it easy, OK? We'll deal with the police." Chris queries, "Police?" Andy looks at him and explains, "We found Roger Carlyle's body." Samantha adds reluctantly, "He was murdered and somebody buried his body here, under the compost heap." Chris, looking shocked, says, "I just can't believe it. I mean, Roger Carlyle's big-time." Samantha, though, snaps, "He is not. And he ended up where he belongs: out with the rest of the rubbish." Andy warns her to take it easy. Chris asks how come Fiona is taking it so badly. Andy explains that the body was bundled up in a laundry bag; she thought it was Hung. He adds, "So don't bother her, OK?" Chris says, "I wanted to tell her I was moving out." Samantha snaps, "Not now." She then walks off, asking as she does so, "Is Irene coming?" Andy replies, "She's on her way. So are the police."

In Melbourne, a tram moves off and Beryl crosses the road behind it, several bags in her hand. She suddenly comes across Spider walking in her direction, and he asks if she's been shopping. Beryl comments that there's nothing wrong with his eyesight! She then hands him one of her bags to carry, much to his obvious indignation! An elderly man suddenly staggers into them. Spider snaps, "Hey, watch it!" He then turns to Beryl and comments, "It's not even midday and he's dead drunk." The man pleads to Beryl, "It's hunger, missus. I haven't eaten for two days." Beryl sympathises that that's terrible and she tells Spider to give him the roll he's eating. Spider, though, refuses. The man asks Beryl for the price of a meal. Beryl goes to her purse as Spider warns her that the man is conning her. Beryl hands over some money and the man immediately runs over to the side of the road, hails a taxi and climbs in. Spider laughs at Beryl, "I told you he was a con!" Beryl retorts grimly, "It takes one to know one."

A short time later, Beryl and Spider are heading into Beryl's, and Spider is muttering that he's only saying charity begins at home. Beryl asks suspiciously, "How much do you want?" Spider, though, explains that it's not for him, it's for Brett: he's got himself into debt. Beryl asks what he did. Spider sighs and says, "He got into a card game." Beryl exclaims in shock, "He's run up gambling debts?" Spider insists, "He'll never do it again." Beryl, though, retorts, "Until the next time." Spider mutters at her not to be so hard-hearted. Beryl, though, tells him curtly that if Brett wants any sort of future, he has to learn to stand on his own two feet. Spider replies, "You don't understand. He won't have any future if he doesn't pay up. He's in debt to a bloke called Judge. It's a nickname - like The Hanging Judge - and believe me, the name fits. If he doesn't pay up..." Spider runs his finger across his neck to indicate the fate awaiting Brett. Beryl tells him to stop exaggerating. Spider, though, tells her, "You can ask Brett if you like. Come on Beryl, be a sport, just this once. Help the kid out."

Chris is standing in the back garden of the boarding house with Samantha, Irene and Andy, and he asks who could have done it. Irene tells him that she'd be looking for somebody with a lot of physical strength: Roger's skull's been badly damaged and she'd say it was the force of the blow that broke his neck, too. Samantha looks away in horror. Irene walks off, saying she'll get a blanket. Chris asks Samantha and Andy, "Why bring him to Fiona's place?" Andy suggests, "Maybe because the killer worked here...?" Chris stares at him as he realises what he's implying, and he then turns and walks way. Samantha runs after him and cries, "Chris, I know what you're thinking - and you're crazy. Leo's the gentlest person I know." Chris retorts, "Except when he's cornered. Roger Carlyle was threatening to have him locked up." Samantha asks him where he's going. Chris retorts, "I have to know whether he did it or not." Andy asks, "And if he did?" Chris tells him, "I'll have to calm him down before the police get there. If I don't, there could be more people killed..."

Sometime later, Leo is walking across the grounds at Crossley House, and he sticks his key in the lock to the shed, unlocks it and then opens the door. Hung is inside, and Leo tells him that he's sorry he was so long: he had to wait until the cook had gone before he could pinch some food. He puts the food down on a small table and Hung picks up a piece of cake. Leo, though, tells him that that's for morning tea; the omelette and roll are for breakfast. Hung puts down the cake. He then asks, "You sure no one will come and find me?" Leo, though, assures him that nobody ever comes down there. Hung starts to pick over a bowl of food and asks what it is. Leo tells him, "Rice pudding. It's not much of a lunch, but it'll fill you up 'til I get back tonight." Hung asks him if he's going to Mrs. Thompson's now. Leo replies that he's late for work; he hopes no one has missed him. Hung asks what he should do if anyone comes looking for him. Leo tells him, "Leave it to Leo." He then adds, "Sorry I have to lock you up, but if anybody came by and saw it was open, you'd be in the soup." He then hands Leo a folded-up newspaper and tells him that he thought he might like to read it. With that, he goes. Hung looks at the paper and immediately notices the picture of him and the story written by Wal Mackay. He reads it and then runs over to the door and bangs on it, calling for Leo. The door is locked, though, and the calls to Leo are unanswered. He dashes over to the window and calls again, but there's no response. He looks again at the newspaper article.

Chris pulls up in his car outside Crossley House. He climbs out and Samantha climbs out of the passenger-side door. Chris tells her to stay by the car, but she ignores him and walks round and joins him. Chris warns her that Leo could get violent. Leo suddenly comes into their view in the distance. He's holding a bunch of flowers and he waves to them, eagerly.

In the lounge room at Dural, Barbara asks, Gordon, "If your brother is such a bad egg, why on earth did your father leave the will in his favour?" Gordon explains, "To save face. Dad threatened to cut me off without a penny if I ever married Nancy. When I got engaged, he felt he had to make good his threat." Looking surprised, Barbara asks what he had against Nancy. Gordon tells her, "She wasn't 'grand' enough for him. Like a lot of self-made men, he hated being reminded of his origins - and of course, James kept stirring." Barbara comments that she's beginning to understand why Gordon dislikes him so much. Gordon continues, "Didn't do him much good in the end. Once dad got to know Nancy, he couldn't help but like her. A week before the wedding, he admitted he was wrong and James left home when I was reinstated as son and heir." Barbara asks, "Then why didn't your father tear up the will?" Gordon replies, "No doubt he intended to, but it was a busy time of the year and I suppose he thought he would leave it until he was doing all his paperwork. He wasn't to know that he was to die of a heart attack in a couple of weeks." Barbara suggests, "Then James must know he has no right to the money?" Gordon agrees, "Morally, no, but legally, yes, and that's what counts." Barbara, though, retorts, "Rubbish. If that man has any scrap of decency, he'll know he's not entitled to one bean." Gordon muses, "James has been waiting all these years to see me come a cropper. He's not going to let me off the hook now." Barbara asks, "How do you know, until you put it to him?" Gordon replies, "I wouldn't give him the satisfaction of saying 'no'."

Leo is sitting on a bench at Crossley House, with Chris and Samantha, looking guilty. He murmurs, "I never meant to kill him. I only wanted him to leave us alone." Samantha explains to Chris, "Roger realised I'd told mum he tried to chat me up." Leo frowns, "I heard him say he was going to get me locked up." Chris asks him what happened when he saw Roger. Leo says, "I was real polite to him, but he wouldn't listen; said he was going to fix it so I didn't make a nuisance of myself anymore. He said he was going to call the police, and I got real mad. I made a fist, see, and I hit him. He fell down. I told him to get up and fight me, but he wouldn't move." Samantha murmurs, "Oh God..." Leo goes on, "Soon as I saw he was dead, I ran out." Chris asks, "And then you went back again?" Leo explains, "I thought if I hid the body, maybe no one would find out." Samantha and Chris look at each other. Leo adds, "You're not going to tell on me, are you?" Chris tells him, "Fiona and Andy found the body." Leo asks, "They know I did it?" Chris replies, "Andy suspects." Leo asks, "Would he tell?" Chris murmurs, "I really don't know." A police car suddenly pulls up nearby, and Leo stands up, a look of fury on his face. He snaps, "I'm not going with them." Chris warns him to take it easy. Leo, though, picks up a large tree branch that's lying on the ground and snarls, "I'll smash their heads in if they try and lock me up." Chris shouts at the police - and Irene, who's with them - not to come any closer until he's calmed Leo down. Irene calls back to him that she thinks Samantha's doing alright. Samantha says gently to Leo, "Nobody is going to hurt you." Leo snarls, "Stay away from me." Samantha insists, "Leo, I'm your friend. I just don't want to see you make things worse for yourself." Leo stares at her and then lowers the branch. Samantha approaches him, puts her arm round him and says, "Come on. They want to talk to you." She guides him towards the police officers. One of them says, "Hello. I'm Constable Jones." Indicating his colleague, he adds, "This is Constable Wilson. Are you Leo Terrence Walsh?" Leo doesn't respond. Constable Jones goes on, "Sir, we'd like you to accompany us to the station. There's some questions we'd like to ask you in relation to the murder of Roger John Carlyle." Leo cries, "No." Irene, though, tells him that nobody's going to hurt him; they just want to ask him a few questions. Leo nods at her, reluctantly. Irene assures him that somebody will be there to look after him. Leo turns to Samantha and asks, "Couldn't you do that?" Samantha looks down and tells him, "I'm not clever enough." Irene says to Constable Jones, "You won't hassle him about making a statement until we do get a lawyer, will you?" Jones assures her, "Of course not." He and Wilson then lead Leo away. As they do so, he insists, "I didn't mean to do it - honest." Samantha walks over and picks up the bunch of flowers that Leo has dropped on the ground. She then looks at Leo, who waves at her sadly as he climbs into the police car.

Brett is pruning a plant on the kitchen table at the country house. Tracy suddenly walks in through the open back door and comments, "Trying to grow a money tree?!" Brett snaps, "If I was, you'd be the last to know." Tracy cries, "You don't think I wanted to help Judge rip you off, do you?" Brett shakes his head. Tracy goes on, "I tried standing up to him once. Ended up in hospital." Brett asks, "Then why do you hang around with him?" Tracy retorts, "You don't drop Judge. He drops you - if you're lucky." Brett hesitates and then tells her, "We could always start again, if you really want to." Tracy smiles and replies, "I'd like to, if I could. If we could." She leans in and Brett kisses her. Beryl's voice suddenly calls out, "Anyone home?" and she comes in through the back door. Brett and Tracy quickly pull apart. Beryl glares at Tracy and growls, "You've got a nerve showing your face around here." Brett protests, "Tracy's not as bad as you think she is." Beryl, though, snaps, "How can you possibly say that? Spider told me how she set you up; even asked me to bail you out, and I was silly enough to agree." Brett retorts that it wasn't all Tracy's idea; the Judge forced her. Beryl, though, snaps, "If you're silly enough to believe that, Brett... well, until you get her out of your system, you're not getting any help from me." With that, she storms off again. Tracy sighs to Brett, "I'm a real jinx, aren't I?" Brett assures her, "Of course you're not." Tracy adds, "I wish I had some money I could give you." Brett says he'll work something out. Tracy asks him if he's got any ideas, but Brett shakes his head and says, "No." Tracy suggests, "Why don't we ask Judge if you could pay him off?" Brett muses, "I suppose. I mean, what have I got to lose?" He looks back at his plant and doesn't notice the sneer on Tracy's face...

Adam has turned up at Beryl's, and Spider tells him that he's just in the nick of time - lunch will be on in a tick. Adam, though, explains that he came round to see Leigh. Leigh emerges from the kitchen and smiles that she thought she recognised the voice! Spider takes the cutlery that she's holding and says he'll set the table while she and Adam have a natter. He heads back to the kitchen, leaving Adam to comment that Leigh must be a gem: she has Spider housetrained! The two of them sit down and Leigh tells Adam that Spider has been going on all morning about getting Brett out of trouble. Adam asks, "What trouble?" Leigh, though, replies that she didn't ask; she's gone off Brett. She then asks Adam why he wants to see her. Adam explains that he's going to a movie and he asks her if she wants to come. Leigh, though, looks down at the floor and murmurs, "Sorry." Adam suggests, "Maybe some other time." Leigh, though, cries, "What's the point, Adam? In a few months, I'll have to stand trial. The best I can hope for is a couple of years; it's silly for us to start anything now." Adam, however, tells her, "I reckon it's silly for us to waste the time we've got. Let's take it a day at a time and see what happens." Spider shuffles back into the room and asks Leigh, "Is he staying for lunch?" Leigh stares at Adam and then smiles, "Yeah, he's staying."

At Dural, Barbara and Gordon are sitting at the living room table, eating lunch. Gordon takes a small nibble from a piece of bread, prompting Barbara to sigh, "Why don't we go and get some fresh air? You could feed that to the birds!" Gordon retorts, "I'd rather feed James to the lions!" Barbara asks, "Do you think he's playing with us?" Gordon tells her, "He could have had an accident." Barbara smiles, "Now there's a thought!" Gordon stares at her and she sighs that she's sorry: she just can't help wishing something would happen so that he'd leave them alone. There's suddenly a knock at the front door and Gordon goes to answer it. There's a young woman standing there, wearing a bright tight-fitting red dress and holding a black feather boa, and she asks, "Gordon Hamilton?" Gordon nods, "Yes." The woman walks in and tells him, "I'm here with your brother's compliments." She heads into the lounge room, puts a cassette player down on the bar and then asks, "Where are the other guests?" Barbara queries, "Guests?" The woman tells her, "For your brother's home-coming party. The trouble is, he can't make it. I'm here to deliver his apology." Barbara glares at her and snaps, "There are no guests. Would you please leave?" Gordon, though, soothes, "It's not her fault my brother has a warped sense of humour." He then turns back to the woman and asks what the message is. She switches on the tape player, poses with her feather boa and, as stripping-style music starts playing, removes one of the black lace gloves that she's wearing and tosses it at Barbara. Then, in time to the music, she says, "Dear... big... brother..." Barbara, looking horrified, suddenly runs over to the tape player, switches it off and snaps, "Out." The woman protests, "My act is very artistic!" Gordon suggests, "Just give me the message." The woman smiles, "OK!" She then runs her hands up his jumper and says, "Dear big brother. Sorry I'm late. If you want to see me you'll just have to wait. You were always so stolid and steady. But you know me: I'll turn up when I'm ready." Turning to Barbara, she adds, "He made that up all by himself!" Gordon thanks her for her time, and the woman says, "Glad you liked it. That'll be $75." Barbara glares at her and says, "Pardon?" The woman explains, "$65 for the show and $10 for the travelling. Normally I don't give credit, but..." - she looks at Gordon with a twinkle in her eye - "...your brother's pretty persuasive!" Barbara snaps, "I'm sorry, you're going to have to go to him for your money." Gordon, though, tells her not to make a fuss. He takes out his wallet, hands over some money to the woman and adds that he's sorry they weren't a more appreciative audience. Barbara then thrusts the tape player at her and she walks out. Once the front door has banged shut, Barbara bursts out laughing! She looks at the stern expression on Gordon's face and says, "You're not going to let a juvenile prank like that upset you, are you?" Gordon, though, retorts that it's not a prank; it's what he can see in the future. Barbara asks if there'll be more of the same. Gordon tells her, "Much more. Every petty humiliation he can think of to get back at me, and there's not a damn thing I can do about it."

Later that day, Barbara heads into the lounge room, carrying a golf ball. Gordon is reading the newspaper, but Barbara tells him to forget work; they're going to get some fresh air. Indicating the golf ball, she adds, "Think of James when you whack it - it's very good therapy!" Gordon muses, "It's tempting!" Barbara looks at him and says, "Oh, cheer up. If he does take our money, at least we can dine out on the stripper story!" Gordon assures her, "Oh, he'll take the money alright." Barbara, though, says, "I'm not so sure. I've been thinking about it: I think it shows he has a very good sense of humour." Gordon mutters, "A very warped sense of humour." Barbara suggests that maybe it's his way of breaking the ice. Gordon, though, tells her, "That's wishful thinking." Barbara asks him how he can be sure. Gordon sighs, "Barbara, I know my brother: he sent the stripper to embarrass me. Now he's going to let me sweat it out - and when he does turn up, he's going to want me to grovel for my share of the money. I'd rather starve."

Beryl is serving dessert to Spider, Adam and Leigh in her kitchen. Spider, looking at what's in the bowl in front of him, comments that he's not very keen on fruit! There's suddenly a knock at the front door and he heads off to get it. When he's gone, Leigh says to Beryl that she really doesn't think he knew that Brett and Tracy were still an item. Beryl asks dubiously, "Didn't he?" Leigh insists, "No - he said he'd try and talk some sense into him." Beryl mutters, "Spider can talk until he's blue in the face. The only way Brett is going to learn is through bitter experience." It's Rod standing at the front door, and Spider immediately tells him that he's just the man he needs: he needs a favour - for Brett. Rod tells him, "I'm sorry - I'm not financing his gambling." Spider insists that it's only to pay off his debts. Rod, though, retorts that that's too bad: he's going to have to get himself out of it; it's the only way he's going to learn. He heads inside. Beryl wanders into the lounge room as he does so and Rod explains that he was just passing and thought he'd check if the dimmers are working OK. Spider walks past them, heading to the kitchen, and snaps, "The dimmers are fine." Beryl invites Rod to stay to lunch and he accepts. They head into the kitchen.

Brett is standing with Judge and Tracy in the kitchen at the country house. He hands over some money and Judge counts it. A nasty look crosses his face as he realises it's not all there. Brett protests, "$50 is all I've got until I get my next pay." Judge, though, threatens, "I get the lot now, or you'll find out what it's like to get around in a wheelchair." Brett snaps, "Look, it's all I've got." Judge retorts, "Then you're in strife, aren't you?" Tracy grabs his arm and pleads, "Don't. Threatening him won't put the money back in your pocket. Please - Brett really wants to pay you back. Can't we work something out?" Judge stares at Brett.

At Beryl's, Adam thanks Beryl for lunch and he, Leigh and Spider head into the lounge room. Rod is still finishing his food, and he asks if Spider has blotted his copybook again. Beryl sighs that it seems to be a way of life with Spider; she doesn't know why she's got such a soft spot for him. Rod tells her, "He means well. Sometimes he gets it right, too - sometimes. Like the night he got us together." Beryl smiles at him.

In the kitchen at the country house, Judge is telling Brett, "It would just be the one job: a warehouse. We put a rope around you and lower you through the skylight, you switch off the alarm, unlock the door and shoot through." Brett snaps, "And then you rip the place off? I'm not going to break the law." Judge snarls, "You owe me." Tracy says, "I'll do it for him." Brett, though, snaps, "No you won't." Judge tells her, "You couldn't do it anyway. You get giddy going up one flight of stairs." He then asks, "What do you see in him? He's gutless." Brett retorts, "I'm not gutless." Judge tells him, "Prove it. It has to be you. No one else in my team's thin enough to get through the skylight. What do you say?" Brett sits there, looking worried.


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