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    Written by: Foveaux Kirby    Produced by: Posie Jacobs   Directed by: Mark Piper

In the lounge room at Dural, Gordon says to Charlie and Irene curtly, "Well? I'm waiting." Irene sighs and then tells him, "Patricia was last seen in a region where there'd been a political uprising. The authorities lost contact with her and she hasn't been seen since." Looking taken aback, Gordon asks if they've searched. Irene tells him, "There were guerillas everywhere; it was too dangerous to go in." Gordon asks, "So nothing's been done to find her?" Charlie chips in hesitantly, "Fiona did go over there and..." She breaks off and Irene completes, "Government officials told her Patricia... might have been killed." A look of shock crosses Gordon's face. He then murmurs, "Thankyou for telling me." Irene asks if there's anything she and Charlie can do. Gordon just says quietly, "No thankyou." He then asks Charlie if Alison's home. Charlie nods that she is. Gordon says he'd like to talk to her. Charlie stands up to go and call her.

Glen and Alison are locked in a passionate embrace in the lounge room at Charlie's when the 'phone starts ringing. Alison breaks away and goes to answer it. She listens and then tells Charlie that she'll be right over. She hangs up. Glen asks her what's up and she explains that she has to go over to the Hamiltons' as Gordon seems very upset about something. Glen jokes, "Stood up for an older man!" Alison smiles at him weakly and heads out.

A short time later, Alison is sitting with Gordon in the lounge room at Dural as he says, "I should have been told earlier. I could've coped." Alison insists, "They were only trying to protect you." Gordon pauses and then says, "You knew all along, didn't you?" Alison replies, "I wasn't completely sure." Gordon, though, goes on, "You tried to tell me once - at the hospital." Alison replies, "Only because I thought it was unfair to keep it from you. I thought better of it." Gordon then says, "Patricia is dead, isn't she?" Alison hesitates before nodding slowly, "Yes. Patricia is dead. But it's going to be alright - I'm going to take care of you." Gordon sits there, looking downcast.

Glen and Charlie are playing cards in the lounge room at Charlie's. Charlie sighs that she wonders how Gordon is; she wishes Alison would ring or something. At that moment, the front door bangs and Alison comes in. Charlie asks if Gordon's alright. Alison replies that she thinks so: Wayne came home and they managed to get Gordon into bed; she would have stayed the night but Wayne didn't want her around. Charlie checks, "He knows what we've told Gordon?" Alison nods, "Yes." She then looks at Glen and tells him that he should have gone home hours ago. Charlie smiles, "He's been wonderful. I've been so worried; he said he'd keep me company until you came back." Alison grins at Glen, "That was very kind of you...!" Glen assures her, "No trouble at all!" He then announces that he'd better hit the road, and he heads to the front door. Alison goes and sits down and Charlie smiles, "Wasn't it nice of him to keep me company? He's so sweet." She then notices the glum look on Alison's face and asks what the matter is. Alison tells her, "Gordon wanted to be absolutely sure Patricia was dead. I had to say she was. I didn't realise how much he loved me." Charlie assures her, "I do admire you. In your own selfish way, you're looking after Gordon." Alison just muses, "Don't worry: when he gets better, I've promised myself a real treat."

The next morning, Glen is standing in Charlie's lounge room with Alison and he kisses her on the neck. Alison, though, quickly tells him, "Don't! Charlie will be here in a minute." Glen asks in surprise, "So?" Alison explains, "I'd rather we didn't become public knowledge for a while. I'm playing mum to Gordon at the moment; I could do without the complications." Glen tells her, "It won't be easy!" Charlie joins them at that moment and tells Alison that she's picked some flowers for Gordon. She asks if she should take them over to him. Alison, though, suggests, "It might be an idea to wait until I see how he is." Charlie accepts this. She then sighs that she wishes they could think of a hobby to keep Gordon's mind off his problems. Glen asks what he did before. Charlie tells him, "Golf, mainly. It's out of the question now." She adds, "Of course, he might take an interest in art now Wayne's bought the Norman Lindsay." Alison asks in surprise, "The Norman Lindsay what?" Charlie smiles, "Painting, darling." Alison gasps, "Wayne couldn't afford a postcard at the moment!" Charlie, however, insists, "We saw it there the other day. We heard he got it for a song from one of the old ladies at the mansion." Alison mutters in disbelief, "Come on..." Glen chips in, "It wouldn't surprise me. I was only there for a day and I saw a lot of things that could have been antique when the dust was swept off." Charlie tells Alison, "I'm sure the painting's genuine." Alison asks her tersely, "Since when have you been an authority on art?" Charlie retorts, "Tom Chaplin took me to lots of exhibitions." Alison mutters, "That makes you an expert, does it?" Charlie glares at her and growls, "I know a Norman Lindsay when I see one." Alison murmurs, "All I can say is it's typical of Wayne to take advantage of someone who obviously didn't know what the painting was worth." Charlie tells her, "I'm not quite sure he knows what it's worth. It would be pride of place in most homes, but he just left it lying around."

Susan is preparing breakfast in the kitchen at the country house, singing to herself cheerfully as she does so. David suddenly appears in the door to the hallway and tells her, "It's good to see you smile again!" Susan beams, "I'm going out with Ted!" David muses, "I thought it might have been something like that!" Susan goes on, "He's got a place in the mountains. We're going away for the weekend." Suddenly looking worried, David asks, "By yourselves?" Susan nods, "Yes." David asks her if she thinks that's a good idea. Susan insists, "He's a nice guy." David comments, "You've only been out with him a couple of times. Bit early to be spending weekends away together, isn't it?" Susan asks in annoyance, "Is there a specific number of times--" David interrupts her, though, and retorts, "No, but you want to be careful. You don't want him thinking you're cheap." Susan glares at him and snaps furiously, "I beg your pardon. Look who's talking. You were having it off with someone while you were still married to mum." David protests, "That was different." Susan growls, "I see. It's alright for a married man to have an affair but it's wrong for a woman. Typical." With that, she snaps, "I'm going home," and she storms off to pack.

Craig is still lying asleep on the couch at Beryl's. The front door suddenly bangs and Susan marches in. Seeing Craig lying there, she cries, "Oh my God. Who are you? What do you want?" Craig comes-to and murmurs, "It's OK: I know Mrs. Palmer." Susan bends down next to him and asks him what he's doing there. Craig murmurs, "I came to see Mrs. Palmer..." With that, he lapses back into unconsciousness.

A short time later, Susan is wiping Craig's forehead with some cotton wool. He comes-to again and she tells him gently that it's OK. Craig asks distantly, "You're Susan?" Susan nods, "Yes." Craig says to her, "Your mother told me about you. I met her in Sydney." Susan asks, "Who are you?" Craig replies, "Craig Maxwell." Susan then asks him, "Why did you end up here?" Craig, though, just murmurs, "Thanks for helping me." Susan smiles, "I get a lot of practice: I'm a nurse!" She then asks him if his parents know where he is." Craig, though, tells her, "I don't live at home." He then asks, "Where's Mrs. Palmer?" Susan explains, "She stopped off with a couple of friends on the way down. She'll be here in a couple of days - but I suppose it's OK if you stay here until then." Craig murmurs, "That'll be good. Thanks."

David is preparing a flask of coffee for himself in the kitchen at his country house. He then goes over to the 'phone and starts dialling a number. He appears to have second thoughts, though, and he hangs up again. He goes and picks up his flask and lunchbox and heads out.

Susan is talking on the 'phone at Beryl's, saying, "OK, thanks." She then hangs up and tells Craig - who's sitting in the kitchen, eating - "Caroline says she's going to fix up an interview for you with the personnel department at the shopping mall." Craig exclaims, "Great! When I get a job, I'll be able to rent a flat... buy another bike..." Susan asks him, "How do your parents feel about all this self-sufficiency?" Craig just shrugs. Susan persists, "You said you didn't live at home." Craig retorts, "I just had to leave, OK?" He then goes on, "It's funny how some things happen: it's only because I lost my stuff that I came straight here; I was going to find a place and a job first." Susan suggests, "Maybe it's better that you didn't." There's suddenly a knock on the front door and Susan goes to answer it. She finds David standing there and he says a guilty, "G'day." Susan just stands there and so David asks if he can come in. Susan lets him past. They head into the lounge room. Craig stands up and Susan introduces him and David to each other. She explains to her father, "Craig met mum in Sydney: he's come down for a visit." David then asks Susan if he can have a talk to her for a minute. The two of them head into the kitchen, where David tells his daughter, "I didn't mean to come down heavy this morning." Susan sighs, "It's about time you realised I'm not a little girl anymore." Craig, sitting at the living room table, listens as David tells Susan, "I guess all dads feel that way about their daughters." Susan retorts, "Well I think you went a bit far." David acknowledges, "You're right: I did." He adds, "I'm not trying to run your life; I just feel a bit responsible for you, that's all." Susan smiles weakly, "It's nice to know that you care." They then hug tightly and Susan sighs, "I'm glad we've sorted that out." At the living room table, Craig smiles to himself. David tells Susan, "Have a good weekend - you deserve a bit of fun after what you've been through."

Irene is standing with Fiona in Fiona's room at the mansion. Fiona is opening some mail and she finds a letter inside. She reads it and then exclaims, "Land tax... property tax... bank rates... solicitors' fees... agent's commission and mortgage payouts. And we're left with two hundred dollars?" Irene adds, "And thirty-four cents!" Fiona laughs bitterly and comments, "And we thought the boarding house was a good investment!" Irene insists, "It's serious." Fiona, though, tells her, "You've got to laugh!" Irene then throws her arms around Fiona and cries, "Oh God, I'm going to miss you." Fiona assures her, "I'm going to miss you, too." Irene then asks Fiona more seriously, "What are you going to do?" Fiona tells her, "The same as I've always done: start over again." Irene asks her if she'll be alright. Fiona replies, "Don't worry about me: I've got my job... a roof over my head... my health - thanks to you...; what else could I want?" She then asks Irene if she hasn't got time to stay for a cup of coffee. Irene, though, tells her, "No thanks, love - I've got to go. A few things I want to discuss about the new practice." Fiona smiles, "You know, I never thought I'd ever see you burying yourself in the outer suburbs." Irene grins, "They made me an offer I couldn't refuse!" Fiona smiles, "I'll see you out." They head out to the hallway, where Wayne is just coming in through the front door. Fiona smiles, "There you are!" Wayne immediately asks suspiciously, "What's wrong now?" Fiona, though, assures him, "Nothing at all - I just want to congratulate you on what you did with the damp patch in my room." Wayne smiles, "All part of the service!" He heads off to the manager's office. When he's gone, Irene muses to Fiona, "I'm amazed: you and Wayne - no arguing." Fiona tells her, "Well... I've changed my mind about him, lately. I know he'll never be canonised, but he does have his moments. I'm trying to turn them into hours!" Irene points out, "He has been very good to Gordon." Fiona nods, "Exactly - and that goes for a lot, in my book." She then tells Irene more seriously, "Very good luck with your practice." Irene smiles, "Thanks," and the two women hug. Irene adds, "Keep in touch, eh?" Fiona assures her, "I will." With that, Irene heads off.

Wayne is fixing a wooden chair in the manager's office when there's a knock on the door and Fiona walks in. She hands him a cheque for her rent which he just grabs and stuffs in a pocket of his overalls. Fiona comments, "I bet you'll be glad when the new manager starts?" Wayne just mutters, "Got to find one, first." Fiona goes on, "May tells me you're letting her use the storeroom rent-free as part-payment on the painting she sold you." Wayne nods, "That's right." Fiona laughs, "Really, Wayne, I don't know why you're wasting your money on that old bit of rubbish!" Wayne, though, laughs as well and points out, "Ah, now, Fiona - really! You know why I bought that painting: it's an original Norman Lindsay!" Fiona asks in surprise, "You think that's a Norman Lindsay?" Wayne tells her, "I'm having it valued this afternoon: it should be worth a small fortune." Fiona retorts, "'Small' is indeed the operative word. I'm sorry to have to tell you, Wayne, but what you've got is a genuine Lex Lindsay." Wayne stares at her and demands, "Who?" Fiona explains, "The guy who painted me back in the forties was Lex Lindsay, not Norman." Wayne asks dubiously, "Brother?" Fiona replies, "Uh uh." Wayne tries, "Cousin?" Fiona shakes her head. Wayne persists, "Nephew?" Fiona tells him, "Sorry: no relation whatsoever. He was an alcoholic minor artist who used the Lindsay name hoping he could make himself a few bob - and I'm afraid that's all that painting is worth." Wayne insists, "You're having me on." Fiona points out, "I ought to know. I am the girl he painted, aren't I?"

Sometime later, Wayne is standing in the lounge room at Charlie's. Charlie joins him and tells him that Alison will be down in a moment. Wayne mutters, "You think having called me over to sign things, she'd at least have them ready when I got here." Charlie, ignoring this, says excitedly, "Do you know the painting you bought Gordon is a genuine Lindsay?" Wayne mutters, "There are a lot of Lindsays in the world." Charlie suggests, "You really should have it valued." Wayne growls, "I am." At that moment, Alison comes in and Charlie leaves them to it. Alison hands Wayne some papers, explaining that they're contract agreements. Wayne grabs them from her, along with a pen, and signs the sheets of paper. He then hands everything back to her. Alison asks him in surprise what the rush is. Wayne tells her, "I have to drive up to the chemist and get a prescription filled for dad. Then I have to take a painting into some restorers in town." Alison smiles, "Is this the famous Lindsay everyone's been talking about?" Wayne growls, "It's no more a Lindsay than I am. It's just a piece of junk. Still, it looks OK - I might as well get it cleaned up and give it to dad as a present." Alison muses, "Yes... it's the thought that counts, isn't it?" Wayne just nods, "Yes. See you." With that, he heads out. As soon as he's gone, Alison quickly dashes over to the 'phone and dials a number. When it's answered, she says, "Hello, Fred. It's Alison Carr. Are you doing anything at the moment?" She listens and then says, "Good. I want you to buy a painting for me - before the owner finds out what it's really worth..."

A while later, Wayne is driving along the driveway towards Dural. As he heads towards the house, he catches a glimpse of Alison standing with a man at the junction of the road that leads to Charlie's. The man is Fred, who says to Alison, "He doesn't know it's a Lindsay?" Alison replies, "No. When he knows you want to buy it, he'll probably try and put the price up to make a quick buck, so remember to do the deal before he has time to think." Fred replies, "Alright - I'd better go and do it." Alison adds, "Remember: the less I have to pay, the more I'll make when I sell it. OK?" Fred nods, "OK," and he walks off.

Wayne has the painting of Fiona lying on the bar at Dural. He's wrapped it in brown paper, which he's taping together. There's suddenly a knock on the door and he goes and opens it. He finds a man standing there, who says, "Mr. Hamilton?" Wayne nods that he is. The man goes on, "I'm Fred Sykes: I left a message for you to call me this morning." Wayne, looking surprised, tells him, "I'm sorry - I didn't get it." Fred continues, "Not to worry. I heard you recently acquired an inner-city property." A suspicious smile appearing suddenly on his face, Wayne asks, "And who would have told you that?" Fred replies, "Oh... a client - I'm a second-hand broker. My client wondered if you had anything you wanted to get rid of." Wayne asks him what sort of things he had in mind. Fred tells him, "I'm interested in furniture, mainly, but if you've got any bric-a-brac, vases, statuettes, paintings... that sort of thing." Wayne, looking thoughtful, muses, "I think there's some vases down there." Fred asks quickly, "Not paintings?" Wayne retorts, "Only one - it's inside." Fred asks if he could have a look. Wayne nods, "If you like," and he lets Fred in. They head into the lounge room and Wayne pulls the painting out of its brown paper wrapping. He shows it to Fred who says immediately, "How much do you want for it?" Wayne asks incredulously, "Are you serious?" Fred nods, "Very. How about $500? Cash. On the spot." Wayne asks him suspiciously, "Who's your client?" Fred replies that that's confidential, he's afraid. Wayne asks, "Is it a lady?" Fred tells him, "Yes. Yes, it is a lady." He then repeats, "So: $500?" Wayne points out, "I haven't said it's for sale yet. It's a present for my father - he goes in for this sort of thing." Fred quickly offers, "A thousand... two thousand...?" Wayne looks at the painting and asks Fred in surprise, "Do you really think it's worth that much?" Fred tells him, "No, not personally. I mean, as a work of art, in itself of course not - but my client did describe this painting to me: she particularly wanted it; sentimental reasons, I suppose." He goes on, "What say I write out a cheque for two thousand? I'm sure you could buy your father a comparable work for that." Wayne muses, "He really did like this one. I'd really rather not sell - honestly." Fred tells him quickly, "$5000, take it or leave it. I can't go any higher." Wayne smiles, "Can you make the cheque payable to cash?" Fred nods, "Certainly, Mr. Hamilton." Wayne hands the painting over, a broad grin on his face.

A short time later, Fred is next door, and as Alison admires the painting, she muses, "Beautiful." Fred tells her, "You were right: he did push the price up." Alison comments, "$5000... I expect I'll get several times that when I sell." Fred asks her if she isn't going to get it valued first. Alison nods, "As soon as I can."

Fiona is sitting with May in her room at the mansion. As she pours some tea, she asks May, "Wouldn't you like to see the mansion as it was in our day, May?" May replies, "Yes, but think of the money it'll take - and the rent would go up." There's suddenly a knock on the door and Fiona calls, "Come in." Wayne walks in, dressed in a smart suit, and he smiles, "Come on, ladies: get your glad rags on - we're going out to dinner tonight. And grab Janice - she's coming too." Fiona asks in surprise, "What?" Wayne explains, "I've just made a packet and I want to celebrate!" Fiona smiles, "Oh well... if you're paying..." Wayne, though, grins, "Oh no. Tonight's on Alison Carr!"


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