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    Written by: Don Battye   Produced by: Posie Jacobs   Directed by: Mark Piper

Back at the youth centre, Glen starts taking out his frustration on the punchbag, hitting it furiously several times with his fists. He eventually pauses and walks over to the 'phone. He starts dialling a number.

The dinner party guests - excluding Alison and Andy - arrive back at Dural. As they head into the lounge room, Gordon suggests that there's no question over where they should hold the wedding: the garden. Susan smiles that it would be perfect. Wayne sits down with Susan and Beryl on the couch and comments to Beryl that she must be thinking about heading back to Melbourne soon. Beryl, though, tells him, "No, no, mum says Robert's very happy." Wayne persists, "What about your business? You'll be losing customers, won't you?" Beryl, however, replies, "No, I've got someone down there helping me out." Susan chips in, "Mum, it's not like being there yourself; it's silly not to keep an eye on it when you've just got it going." Beryl asks semi-humorously, "Are you trying to get rid of me?!" Susan laughs, "Of course not - but if you go down now you'll be able to organise things and then spend a few days up here before the wedding." Beryl, looking slightly put-out, muses, "That is a thought, I suppose..."

Glen is walking along a beach. He's approaching an attractive young woman, and as he walks up to her, she smiles, "Glen, it's so good to see you. I missed you so much." They hug each other and Glen tells the woman earnestly, "I need you, Frances." They hug again.

Andy is standing next to Beryl as she talks on the 'phone in the hallway at Dural. She tells the person on the 'phone, "I'll hold on, thankyou." She then turns to Andy and warns, "You make sure you report anything that happens to Alison." Andy sighs, "It would help if I knew what I was trying to get him on." Beryl retorts, "Simple: anything that'll make Susan realise she's marrying the wrong--" She breaks off as the person on the 'phone comes on again. She listens, thanks them and hangs up. As she does so, Wayne comes downstairs. He looks at Andy suspiciously and then tells him, "Andrew, get back to work." He heads into the study just as the front door opens and Charlie bursts in. She smiles, "Hello, darlings!" Beryl guides her quickly into the lounge room and Charlie tells her seriously, "I'm so sorry, darling." Beryl retorts, "Imagine how I feel - especially now I have to go back to Melbourne: Wayne's pointed out I have a business to run." Charlie, however, enthuses, "Oh, everything's fine down there, darling - well, now I'm backing Doug, you can go ahead at full steam." She breaks off as a look of surprise crosses Beryl's face, and she sighs, "Oh dear, I didn't mean you to find out like that. I know it sounds as if we're trying to take over from you, but we're not - honestly." Beryl, however, smiles, "Charlie, that's the best news you could have given me." At that moment, Wayne walks in and says, "Beryl, I've been thinking about you taking the train and I think it's only fair your future son-in-law should buy you a 'plane ticket." Beryl, however, smiles, "Thankyou, Wayne, but that won't be necessary: I have to stay here - on business." With that, she walks out of the room, leaving Wayne looking astonished and slightly annoyed.

Frances is standing in the youth centre, looking around. She takes in the punchbag and comments to Glen, "I knew you were macho, but isn't this going rather far?!" Glen smiles, "I organised it just for you!" He then asks her how her leave's going. She tells him, "It was pretty boring up to now; after Manila, Sydney seems rather dull." Glen asks, "How is embassy life?" Frances replies, "Not a great deal different from when you were there. It's about time you came back, isn't it?" Glen muses, "Right now I wish I could. That's why I contacted you: I need some information. You're due to go back next week and I thought maybe I could get you to do something for me." Frances tells him, "That depends what you can do for me, I suppose..." Glen ignores the flirtatious hint and continues, "I'd go myself except I can't afford it right now." Frances smiles knowingly, "A decision like that requires a bit of diplomatic thinking. How about we start by you shouting me lunch tomorrow...?"

Susan is at Charlie's, showing her her engagement ring. Charlie smiles that it's very nice. She then tells Susan, "I think you're very wise settling for someone like Wayne." Susan retorts indignantly, "I didn't 'settle' for him." Charlie replies quickly, "I didn't mean it like that - it's just that he's not the pick of the bunch... and he'd be so much safer than Glen." Susan demands, "What's that supposed to mean?" Charlie tells her, "You really would have had your hands full with Glen: he's so attractive... you'd be constantly swatting off all the other women." Susan mutters, "I don't think so." Charlie, however, insists, "Of course you would... I heard a rumour only yesterday that another friend of mine is interested in him; he'd done a little gardening for her and now she's interested in having more than her roses pruned!" Susan stands there, looking upset...

Gordon arrives back at his room at Seabreeze Towers. Maggie is standing in the kitchen and he tells her that he hopes he's not late. He suddenly notices Rags feeding from a bowl on the floor and he smiles, "Hello, fella! Where did you come from?!" Maggie explains, "I found him on the esplanade when I was shopping with Cassie - she's been driving me mad about him ever since!" Gordon comments, "Most children like dogs." Maggie mutters, "Don't I know it. I've wanted one for a long time, but they're not cheap." Looking suddenly thoughtful, Gordon muses, "Look, I'll be out a lot during the next few weeks: my son's getting married and I'll be spending a lot of time at home." He then corrects quickly, "Er, at his place." Maggie remarks, "Must be so hard for young couples now, raking together a deposit on a house when they're still paying a fortune in rent for a flat." She goes on angrily, "Have you looked at rents lately? It's highway robbery. I can't understand how people can make money out of those less fortunate than themselves." Looking suddenly uncomfortable, Gordon goes on quickly, "Yes, well, what I was thinking was: it's going to be difficult for me to feed Rags over the next few weeks. I was wondering if your little girl might like the job. I'd pay for the food, of course." Maggie sighs wistfully, "I can imagine her face if I said 'yes'. I can also imagine her face if she found out I'd said 'no'." Gordon tells her, "It'd help me out." Maggie gives in and smiles, "I suppose I can afford a bit of dog food!" Changing the subject, she then tells him, "Today I'm going to teach you to make a stew really tasty." Gordon, though, muses at his skills and replies, "Don't bet on it!"

It's nighttime. Charlie is standing in the doorway of the mansion, but May is telling her, "I don't know how long Fiona will be out." Charlie explains, "I just wanted to see how she was feeling about Susan and Wayne." May replies, "She hasn't said much to me." Changing the subject, she then smiles, "Have you heard about my invitation to Mrs. Duncan Brookes' Charity Ball?" Charlie beams, "Yes!" May smiles that she's delighted to be going! The two of them head into May's room, where May tells Charlie, "I'm glad you dropped in. I was wondering if $100 would buy me a gown from your fashion house." Charlie murmurs warily, "Well..." May goes on, "You see, we've had such a wonderful response to hiring the bric-a-brac from the reception room, Fiona thinks we should have $100 saved by the time the ball comes round." Charlie, however, sighs, "Unfortunately, darling, $100 would only buy the lining, at a pinch." May's face drops, but Charlie adds quickly, "That's why I had it in mind to ask if you'd accept a gown as a gift. Then you could use the money for accessories." May gasps, "Charlie, that's so very kind of you. I don't know how I could possibly thank you." She then appears to have a thought, though, and she reaches under her bed as she says, "Next time you need something special for a gala occasion, you can borrow this." She shows Charlie a large haircomb. Charlie stares at it and gasps, "They're real diamonds." The haircomb is covered in them. She adds, "It must be worth a fortune." May nods, "Probably." Charlie, looking puzzled, goes on, "If it's worth that much, why didn't you sell it when you lost all your money?" May, however, tells her haughtily, "My dear girl, you don't sell the spoils of victory." Charlie questions, "You mean a man?" May, though, replies, "No, it was a woman. A little upstart named Connie. Connie Hog. She was just a slip of a thing." Charlie asks, "Was she a friend?" May, though, replies, "Oh no, hardly that. She used to enjoy rubbing my nose in it." Charlie asks curiously, "In what?" May explains, "How much better her jewellery was than mine." Charlie indicates the haircomb and asks, "This is one of her spoils?" May nods, "It certainly is. You see, one day it all got too much for me so I challenged her to a game of poker. If I lost, she took my business lock, stock and barrel; if I won, I took this." Charlie smiles, "Obviously you were the better poker player." May, though, muses, "I wouldn't go that far. I bluffed my way through on a pair of twos!" Charlie laughs, "You old card sharp, you!" May indicates the haircomb and continues, "So, you see, this represents one of my greatest triumphs - and as I said: you don't sell the spoils!"

It's the middle of the night. At Dural, Beryl creeps downstairs in the dark, wearing her dressing gown. She has a torch with her. She heads into the lounge room and turns on one of the small lamps. She goes to a cupboard and opens one of the doors, but then suddenly hears a noise out in the hallway and she quickly shuts the door and turns off her torch. After a few seconds, when things are quiet again, she heads out into the hallway and uses the torch to look around. She goes to the cupboard under the stairs and opens the door. All-of-a-sudden, the hall lights come on. Wayne is standing at the bottom of the stairs. Beryl looks at him and he growls, "Enjoying your snoop?"

A few moments later, Beryl tells Wayne, "You can work out for yourself what I was doing, I'm sure." She goes to head upstairs, but Wayne stops her and retorts, "I can have a good guess: you were trying to find something to make Susan change her mind. That's why wanted to move in here. That's why you didn't want to go back to Melbourne. Well, I hope you've had fun because you'll be on the train in the morning." Beryl, however, tells him curtly, "Not necessarily so: Susan's light was on when I came down; I might just tell her that you're sending me packing. You can tell her why, but I'll deny it. Who do you think she'll believe?" At that moment, there are footsteps on the stairs and they turn to see Susan approaching them. Beryl murmurs to Wayne, "Are you going to tell her or am I?" Susan looks at them both and muses, "Looks like I'm not the only one who can't sleep." Beryl asks what the problem is. Susan explains, "I wrote to dad, telling him the news. I've been wondering and worrying what he'll say, ever since I posted it. I came down for a glass of milk." Beryl listens and then says, "Love, I think Wayne has something to tell you." She smiles at Wayne, who says to Susan quickly, "Look, I wondered how you felt about me not wearing formal to the wedding." Looking puzzled, Susan replies, "It doesn't worry me. Can we talk about it later?" Wayne nods, "Yeah, sure." Susan then heads across into the lounge room and through to the kitchen while Beryl heads off upstairs. Wayne stands in the hallway looking annoyed.

The next morning, Andy pulls up in the driveway outside. As he climbs out of the car, Beryl approaches him and tells him that Wayne caught her snooping around the house last night. She adds that she thinks she managed to bluff him. Unnoticed by either of them, Wayne is standing on an upstairs balcony, watching. Beryl asks Andy if he's found out anything. Andy tells her, "No - and it's not going to be easy. I don't want him cottoning onto the fact that I'm working on the other side." Wayne heads back inside as Beryl asks, "Can't you find anything out from the papers?" Andy retorts, "There is nothing." Beryl suggests, "I suppose all you'll have to do is keep your eyes and ears open." Gordon and Susan suddenly approach them and Gordon asks Beryl if she's ready for the shops. Beryl thanks him for offering to drop her and Susan off on his way. She then asks Gordon where he's off to. He just replies, "A bit of this and that."

Andy heads into the house. As he does so, the 'phone rings and he goes and answers it in the hallway. He listens and then says, "It's me, Alison." He listens again and then tells her, "No, not yet--" He breaks off as Wayne comes downstairs, and says down the 'phone quickly, "Yeah, Beryl and Susan have gone shopping. OK. Bye." Wayne looks at him suspiciously as he hangs up. He then tells Andy, "I caught Beryl snooping around the house last night. I hope you watched what you said to her." Andy explains, "She was coming in as I arrived. I couldn't ignore her." Wayne goes to head into the study, but Andy says quickly, "I was wondering about the bad-debt collecting: if you don't get moving pretty soon, you'll be missing out on a lot of bread." Wayne comments suspiciously, "Makes a change - I thought you didn't want to know about it." Andy muses, "When you've done it once I suppose you get used to it. I thought we should make up a list; put them in order of importance. And I reckon we're going to have to employ some blokes to do some heavying." Wayne, however, retorts, "No. No heavying - not in Sydney, anyway. Not until after the wedding. From now until then, everything I do is going to be on the level." Andy sighs, "If that's what you want..." Wayne replies, "It is." Andy then says, "Listen, you wouldn't be able to give me an advance on my salary, would you?" Wayne just growls bluntly, "No." He walks off.

Maggie is cleaning Gordon's room at Seabreeze Towers when Gordon comes in. He's wearing his suit and Maggie comments that he looks pretty flash. Gordon tells her, "Dress-up clothes - family occasions, and all that." Maggie then hands him a piece of paper and says, "My daughter insisted on writing you a note to thank you for letting me look after Rags." Gordon reads it and comments that it's very sweet of her. Maggie suddenly sighs heavily and Gordon asks her if she's alright. She tells him, "Just a headache." Gordon suggests that she should see a doctor, if the headaches are still bad. Maggie, however, mutters, "Pack of quacks." Gordon tells her, "There's no reason why anybody should miss out on medical help - and I'm sure your little girl will be well looked after if you have to have time off." Maggie, who's cleaning the table, just mutters, "Move yourself." Gordon does so, but looks at her in concern.

Glen and Frances walk up to a restaurant. It's the one where Wayne and Susan's engagement meal was held. Glen says quickly, "Can we eat somewhere else?" Frances asks in surprise, "Why? It's supposed to be excellent here." Glen sighs, "I know - but it's where Susan had her engagement lunch." Frances smiles, "You're really stuck on her, aren't you?" Glen, though, retorts, "Look: while I'm with you, we don't talk about Susan, OK?" Frances asks in an exasperated tone, "Why not, for heaven's sake?" Glen mutters, "Because it's private, that's why. I'm sorry - but it's the way I feel." With that, he walks off. Frances follows him, murmuring, "Who am I to argue?"

May walks into Fiona's room at the mansion to find Beryl in there, folding up some baby clothes. She asks Beryl in surprise, "What are you doing here?" Beryl explains, "I've been shopping; thought I'd pop in." May holds out the diamond-encrusted haircomb and asks, "Where's Fiona? I brought this in to show her." Beryl replies, "She's in the reception room; she shouldn't be long." She then tells May that the haircomb really is lovely. May asks if Fiona is hiring out more stuff. Beryl nods that she thinks so. May muses, "You know, I'm not at all sure we're doing the right thing - or, rather, hiring out to the right type of client. There was a very strange man here earlier: he said he was managing something called 'Princess Python'. Sounds like a pop group! He's certainly not the type of client we need." Andy suddenly appears in the doorway. Beryl asks May if she'd mind. She hands back the haircomb and May leaves the the room. When she's gone, Beryl says to Andy, "I hope she doesn't keep Fiona talking - she wanted to hear what you had to say, too." Andy sighs, "Not much, I'm afraid." Beryl cries, "Oh, Andy..." Andy goes on, "He hasn't done anything. In fact, he's pretty suspicious of me - he saw us talking this morning." Beryl asks, "What did he say?" Andy tells her, "Not much, I'm afraid. I have to be careful. I don't think we're going to get much of a chance of pinning anything on him before the wedding: he's decided to play it Mr. Squeaky-Clean - and I think that's mainly because he's on to you." Beryl stands there, looking annoyed.

Glen and Frances are back at the youth centre and Glen is explaining to Frances, "I thought if you went and saw Maria and explained all the trouble she's caused by going along with Wayne, then she might see reason." Frances nods, "Of course." Glen asks in surprise, "You will?" Frances tells him, "Sure. That's not asking much." She then puts her hands gently to his face and goes to kiss him. He moves away quickly, though, and says, "I'd better not keep you too long." Frances points out, "We've only just got back." She moves towards him again and says flirtatiously, "Glen, come on..." Glen, however, retorts, "Please, Frances: leave it, OK? I'll call you tomorrow and give you the details." Frances glares at him and snaps, "That's charming: get what you want and kick me out." Glen insists, "It's not like that." Frances goes on, though, "Here I was thinking you an old friend who wanted a bit of a chat... you know: catch up on what's happening." Glen insists, "I am." Frances, though, spits, "You wouldn't have bothered to contact me at all if you didn't have an errand for me. That makes me feel really good, Glen; you know - really useful." Glen retorts, "You can talk. It doesn't take Einstein to see what you're after." Frances snaps, "If my memory serves me correctly, you were after it too, once." Glen tells her curtly, "Once, maybe - but I told you at the outset: I love Susan. Can't you take a hint?" Frances mutters, "Alright. Hint taken. Forget about me tracking down your little Filipino charity case, though. Get someone else to do your footwork." With that, she storms out. Glen stands there and sighs heavily.

Beryl is in the lounge room at Dural when Andy comes in through the front door. He joins Beryl, who sighs, "At last. Have you spoken to Alison yet?" Andy opens his briefcase and, taking out a roll of notes, replies, "Yeah - she gave me the first payment." He adds, "I didn't tell her about Wayne deciding to play it straight until the wedding, though." Beryl mutters, "Frightened of losing your money, are you?" Andy hands Beryl a note and tells her, "There's the $20 I owe you. Thanks for the loan." Wayne suddenly walks into the room and Andy tells him, quickly, "Beryl's trying to talk me out of going raging tonight. I said you were working me so hard I needed a break!" Wayne just looks at him suspiciously and comments, "I thought you said you were broke." Andy replies quickly, "I was. A bloke owed me some money." Susan suddenly comes in and says to Wayne, "Can we talk about the invitation? The printer's not going to have much time." Looking at Beryl and Andy warily, Wayne murmurs, "Yeah, sure." He and Susan then walk off.

At the mansion, Charlie bursts into May's room and smiles at May - who's sitting at the table - "There you are!" She sits down and goes on, "I've been in touch with Lisa and all you have to do is 'phone her and tell her what you'd like. She's standing by to give you the right royal treatment. You can specify anything!" May beams, "That's very kind of you." She asks Charlie what would look best on her. Charlie suggests, "How about something very bright? Shiny and slinky." May asks in surprise, "Do you think I could carry it off?" Charlie smiles, "A lady can carry anything off!" May goes on, "If I did, would my diamond haircomb be out of place?" Charlie tells her, "I shouldn't think so. What colours are in it? - apart from the diamonds, of course." May, looking suddenly thoughtful, murmurs, "I'm not quite sure. There are some rubies in it, I think..." She then adds, "Just a minute - I'd better have a look." She goes and reaches under her bed, but a look of horror suddenly crosses her face as she does so. She turns back to Charlie and cries, "My God - it's gone. Someone's stolen it."

At Dural, Wayne escorts Andy into the lounge room. Andy is smiling, "Real undercover stuff, eh?!" Wayne nods, "You could say that." Andy goes and sits down, but Wayne snaps at him, "Stand up." Andy, looking surprised, does so. Wayne then tells him curtly, "Time to face the music, son. You've been playing on both sides of the fence. Alison and Beryl have got you on-side, haven't they?" Andy blusters, "I don't know what you're talking about." Wayne, however, retorts, "With Beryl in the house, it's fairly easy to see what's going on. Alison's the bankroll, isn't she?" Andy just turns away. Wayne nods, "Yeah." He then goes on, "Well think about this: the minute I marry Susan, they will drop you like a hotcake. Even if they manage to stop the marriage, you'd still be dumped - whereas with me, if you play your cards right, you could be set up for a long time. You mightn't realise it, Andrew, but I make a very bad enemy - if I decide that's the way it's going to be. So, you'd better make up your mind: who are you working for...?"


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