Jess Campbell

First Appearance: Episode 670
Last Appearance: Episode 720
Key Storylines:
Rod and Jessica Campbell's daughter is a spirited teenager
who has grown used to living with just her father and
their housekeeper, Doris Hudson, following the death of
her mother several years earlier. When Rod starts seeing
Beryl Palmer, Jess is less than happy, and she and Doris
scheme to keep them apart. Doris admits to Jess that she
has strong feelings for Rod, and Jess organises a romantic
meal for the two of them. She initially thinks it's a
success, but she then discovers that Rod slept with Doris
after getting drunk and then, out of guilt, tried to sack
her. Jess is horrified at her father's behaviour.
When Rod is offered a job for six months in Western Australia,
he assumes Jess will go with him. Jess, though, makes
it clear that she wants to stay in Melbourne - where her
friends are - to finish her schooling and go to university.
Rod asks Spider - his father-law - to look after his house
and Spider tells Jess that she can stay in the house with
him. Jess doesn't stay in Melbourne for very much longer,
though: she feels guilty after beginning an affair with
the married Tim Palmer - and when his wife, Donna, finds
out and subsequently miscarries the child she's carrying,
Jess realises that Tim really does feel more for Donna
than he does for her. She decides to go and live with
her father and let Tim and Donna get their marriage back
on track.
Rod Campbell

First Appearance: Episode 659
Last Appearance: Episode 703
Key Storylines:
Rod Campbell was married to Spider Webb's eldest daughter,
Jessica. Jessica gave birth to a son - Barry - and a daughter
- Jess - and Rod thought they were a happy family until
Jessica died at an unexpectedly young age and he then
discovered that she'd spent their life savings on a boyfriend
that he'd known nothing about. Barry found out the truth
and tried to persuade Rod to tell Jess, but he refused,
not wanting to taint Jess's memory of her mother. Barry
was furious with his father and, after a blazing row,
he left home. Rod was left to bring up Jess with the help
of a housekeeper he hired, Doris Hudson.
In late-1985, Spider introduces Rod to Beryl Palmer.
The two of them start seeing each other, but the relationship
is subject to frequent arguments and misunderstandings
- a number of which, Rod later discovers, have been engineered
by Jess and Doris. Despite this, he asks Beryl to marry
him and she says a tentative 'yes'. After yet another
row with her, though, Rod gets drunk and ends up sleeping
with Doris. He's horrified when Doris later tells him
that she loves him. He tries to let her down gently, but
it's no good: Doris grows increasingly jealous of Beryl
to the extent that she almost smothers Beryl's baby son,
Robert. She's subsequently arrested and agrees to undergo
psychiatric treatment. Rod is offered a six-month job
in Western Australia and he asks Beryl to go with him.
She refuses, though - and Jess also makes it clear that
she doesn't want to leave her friends. She only joins
him after things go wrong for her in Melbourne.
Luke Carlyle

First Appearance: Episode 425
Last Appearance: Episode 501
Key Storylines:
Luke is a close friend of Jeff O'Brien, and he flees to
Melbourne from Perth after Jeff pays his fare. Luke is
desperate to escape his father's clutches: Roger Carlyle
has tried to mould Luke into something that he doesn't
want to be, and the boy has been sent to law school even
though he really doesn't want to be a lawyer. The O'Briens
put him up, but his father discovers where he is and comes
after him, scheming to put Mike O'Brien out of business
in revenge for him harbouring his son. As a compromise,
Luke goes to work for Roger for a while, but he uses his
knowledge of his father's business tactics to lose him
a lot of money on a deal. Roger quickly works out that
Luke was behind the failure of the deal and, giving up
on trying to get him to come home, subsequently tells
his son that he can have what he wants: his freedom. Roger
returns to Perth and Luke takes a job as a file clerk.
In his personal life, he becomes friends with Jill O'Donnel,
but he can't cope when he learns that she used to be a
prostitute. He also helps Katie O'Brien deal with her
feelings for Terry Hansen - although he eventually has
to admit to Katie that he actually loves her. Sadly, his
feelings aren't requited. When Patricia offers Luke a
job in her new company, he's surprised, but he accepts,
and he uses some ruthless business methods which see him
progress quickly. He discovers to his horror, however,
that Patricia's company is being financed by his father,
and, furious at being deceived, he gets his revenge by
embezzling the company's entire funds. At the same time,
he tries to help Jeff recover from alcoholism, but his
efforts backfire: when Jeff turns up at Luke's apartment
one night, he and Luke fight over a bottle of scotch,
and Jeff ends up hitting Luke over the head with it. Luke
falls and hits his head, and he dies from his injuries.
Roger Carlyle

First Appearance: Episode 424
Last Appearance: Episode 663
Key Storylines:
Roger is a middle-aged businessman who is attracted to
teenage girls: Heather O'Brien worked for him in Perth
until Roger started showing signs of interest in her teenage
daughter, Katie, and she and her family subsequently moved
to Melbourne. Roger tries to do what's best for his son,
Luke, giving him the finest education and financing him
through law school. He's furious, however, when Luke flees
Perth, telling his father that he doesn't want anything
to do with him. He tracks the boy down to the O'Briens'
and tries to make him see sense. Luke refuses to return
home, though, and Roger is furious with the O'Briens for
taking his side; he takes revenge on them by putting Mike
O'Brien out of business. He tries other tactics to get
Luke to come home, but when Luke causes him to lose a
lot of money on a business deal, he tells the boy that
he can stand on his own two feet from now on, and he returns
to Perth, leaving Luke in Melbourne.
A few weeks later, Patricia Morrell calls him because
she needs a backer in the new company that she's setting
up. Roger agrees to provide the finance if she gives jobs
to Mike - so that he can build him up and then destroy
him, in revenge for taking Luke's side previously - and
to Luke himself, so that he gets a taste for business.
The plan works well until Luke discovers the plan and,
in revenge, embezzles the company's funds. He's then murdered,
and Patricia is arrested as the main suspect. Furious,
Roger first sends a hitman after her, and when that attempt
on her life fails, he enlists Dr. Ross Newman to kill
her. His attempts fail as well, though, much
to Roger's fury. He then learns that Patricia has fled
to Brazil, and he effectively gives up on her and resumes
his life in Perth.
Several months later, Roger receives a call from a businesswoman
named Alison Carr. She invites him to invest in the Hamilton
company, and, knowing that it's struggling, he buys a
49% share. He heads to Sydney to meet Alison
and is intrigued by her. He hires one of his men to look
into her background and learns that she emerged suddenly
from a clinic in Brazil; the same clinic that Patricia
had gone into. Putting two and two together,
he warns Alison that he's going to get her for Luke's
murder. Before he can do anything, though, he meets his
death at the hands of Leo Walsh: Leo thinks he's protecting
Samantha Morrell from Roger after Roger had shown an unhealthy
interest in her. He later protests that he didn't mean
to kill Roger, but he does bring to an end the vendetta
that Roger had against Patricia.
Tom Chaplin

First Appearance: Episode 680
Last Appearance: Episode 711
Key Storylines:
A cultured teacher of English, Tom Chaplin meets Charlie
Bartlett when he's a customer at the restaurant in Melbourne
where she's working incognito (wearing a blonde wig and
large glasses) to prove to her son, Adam, that she can
hold down a proper job. Tom immediately finds himself
intrigued by the woman he insists on calling 'Charlotte'
and he and Charlie quickly start spending time together,
attending classical concerts and visiting art exhibitions.
Tom is shocked and disappointed, however, when, after
they've been seeing each other for a few weeks, Charlie
reveals that she's actually wearing a wig and that she
doesn't wear glasses normally, either. He takes a few
days to come to terms with the fact that she's been lying
to him, but eventually decides that he likes the person
underneath too much not to see her again. He's put off
slightly, though, by Charlie's desire to parade him around
at all the social functions she attends.
While in Sydney, Tom meets Charlie's daughter, Sally,
and it becomes clear to him that the two of them have
a lot more in common than he and Charlie do. They visit
exhibitions and galleries together and, while alone during
a trip to the beach one day, they end up kissing. Unfortunately,
Sally feels hugely guilty for playing around with her
mother's man, and she decides to flee from Sydney back
to Melbourne. Charlie discovers the extent of the affection
between Tom and Sally and she confronts Tom about it.
He finds himself unable to deny that he wants to see Sally
again - and he decides that it would be best if he, too,
went back to Melbourne.
Lisa Cook

First Appearance: Episode 323
Last Appearance: Episode 348
Key Storylines:
Lisa is Terry Hansen's ex-girlfriend. She hasn't
seen him for six years when John Palmer gets in touch
with her and tells her that Terry has had an accident
and has been asking for her. The fashion designer, who
is beginning to make a name for herself, reluctantly agrees
to go and see Terry, but it is John she falls in love
with this time around - not that she tells Terry that.
When Terry finds out, he tries to win Lisa back, but she
tells him that they've both changed too much. Lisa is
shocked when John tells her that Terry is a rapist, but
she feels sympathy for him, not anger; John is appalled
at her attitude, but Lisa is equally appalled at his childishness,
and decides she can't stay with him.
Over the next few years, Lisa works closely with Charlie
on a number of fashion collections and is referred to
many times, although she is never seen on-screen again.
Neville Curtis

First Appearance: Episode 742
Last Appearance: Episode 970
Key Storylines:
Fiona and May knew Englishman, Neville Curtis,
during the War, and they're excited when they receive
a letter to say he's returning to Australia for a visit.
However, it is his son, also called Neville, who turns
up. He is in Australia to learn how to become a jackaroo,
but before he begins his training he spends some time
at the mansion with Fiona, May and Janice Reid. Unfortunately,
he turns out to be rather accident-prone. Neville is caught-up
in the siege at the mansion along with May and Janice,
and is almost gassed with them.
There's a surprise for Neville when he overhears Janice
talking to Fiona and saying that she's in love with him.
Neville is shocked because he already has a fiancée,
Celia, back in England. He has to let Janice down gently
- and decides that to avoid any awkwardness between them,
it would be best if he left Sydney early and headed off
to start his jackaroo training. Before he goes, though,
he tells Janice that, if he hadn't met Celia first, then
who knows what might have happened. Sadly, Celia is killed
in a car accident. Eighteen months after leaving Janice,
Neville returns to Sydney and asks her to marry him. She
accepts happily.