First Appearance: Episode 630 (1986)
Last Appearance: Episode 972 (1987)
Known Family: Twin sister - Pamela Hudson; Sister
- Margaret Dunne; Son (by Martin Healy) - John Palmer;
Daughter (by Martin Healy) - Angela Keegan; Stepson -
Wayne Hamilton; Daughter (by Gordon Hamilton) - Mary Reynolds;
Husband (as Patricia) - Gordon Hamilton: divorced; Husband
(as Patricia) - Stephen Morrell: divorced; Husband (as
Patricia) - David Palmer (annulled after Patricia declared
Key Relationships:
Flings with James Hamilton, Bjorn Nilsson and
Nick Benson.
Key Storylines:
Following plastic surgery to hide injuries sustained
at the hands of a thug who beat her up in Rio de Janeiro,
Patricia Palmer returns
to Australia under a new identity: Alison Carr. She heads
straight for Charlie Bartlett's house in Sydney, where
she pretends to be a friend of Patricia's who was told
that Charlie would put her up. Charlie agrees, but soon
becomes suspicious of the new arrival. It isn't long before
she twigs Alison's true identity. Alison swears her to
secrecy. She begins to start trying to clear Patricia's
name of the murder of Luke Carlyle - but when Luke's father,
Roger, tricks her into leaving a fingerprint on a glass,
he declares triumphantly that he has the evidence that
will prove she's the murderer. To her shock, Roger himself
is found dead a few days later, giving Alison a reprieve.
Alison goes into business with Gordon Hamilton's brother,
James, after he turns up to claim an inheritance that
should have gone to him years ago, but which went to Gordon
by mistake. As he spends more time with Alison, it doesn't
take long for James to dig into her past and discover
that she's really Patricia. David Palmer also puts his
finger on the truth after inadvertently marrying another
woman, called Sarah, who he thought was Patricia
after plastic surgery. Alison tries to rekindle her and
David's relationship, but David decides that he's had
enough, and Alison promises sadly never to bother him
When a young woman, Mary Reynolds, turns up claiming
that Patricia is her mother, Alison outwardly pooh-poohs
the idea. After Mary falls in love with Wayne Hamilton,
however, and the two of them marry, Alison has to reveal
the truth: that she is Mary's mother, and that
Gordon is her father - and Wayne is therefore her half-brother.
The marriage is annulled. It only goes ahead in the first
place because Alison, rushing to stop it, is involved
in a 'plane crash, after the aircraft she's in with James
Hamilton runs out of fuel and crashes in a forest. As
Alison and James wait to be rescued, they talk and become
closer. It isn't long before James asks Alison to marry
him - and she agrees!
While driving a car with Caroline Morrell in the passenger
seat, Alison gets into a heated argument. She ends up
taking her eyes off the road - and doesn't spot another
car heading straight towards them until it's too late.
The two vehicles collide, knocking Alison unconscious.
When she comes round, she discovers Caroline is also unconscious
- and so, to avoid the police investigation that might
reveal her true identity, Alison drags Caroline across
into the driver's seat and then runs away. A furious Caroline
threatens revenge - as does Wayne, because it was Gordon
and Barbara who were in the other car, and both are hurt
There's a shock when Alison learns that James has been
killed while sorting out his business affairs up-north.
He leaves her everything in his will, though, and Alison
reveals this to Wayne gleefully. Meanwhile, Alison's attempts
to conceal who she really is fail again, after Doug Fletcher
tells her that he knows that she's Patricia. Alison throws
herself at him to try to prevent him going to the police;
Doug, however, just keeps telling her that he will
tell the police when he feels the time is right. Events
come to a head, though, after a siege at the mansion owned
by Fiona Thompson: the police find Alison's fingerprints
on a gun used in the siege and they match them to Patricia's.
A distraught Alison is arrested.
Unfortunately for Alison, it's Wayne who comes forward
with the evidence to clear her: one of the hostage-takers
at the mansion, Micky Pratt, had signed a statement confirming
that she had driven Jeff O'Brien to Luke's apartment on
the night he was murdered; Micky had subsequently been
run over and the statement had vanished - but Wayne finds
it and blackmails Alison over it, forcing her to talk
Susan Palmer into rekindling the faltering relationship
she had with him. Alison agrees reluctantly. Wayne hands
over the evidence to the police and Alison is released.
She still has to appear before a magistrate on the charge
of fleeing the car accident after it emerges that a witness
saw her running away. She's given 100 hours' community
service and a good-behaviour bond. She ends up having
to help decorate a run-down building which is due to be
turned into an orphanage.
Alison becomes caught-up with David again as she investigates
dodgy businessman Colin Hopkins. Alison and David end
up locked-up together in an industrial freezer. The time
they spend waiting to be rescued gives them an opportunity
to re-evaluate their relationship. They both pass out
eventually from the cold, but are rescued just in time
to survive. Alison is devastated when, while recovering
in hospital, David tells her that he wants to give things
another go with his first wife, Beryl.
It transpires that things between David and Beryl don't
work out, and David heads off to travel Australia. Beryl
finds herself arrested for attempting to murder Wayne
- despite protesting her innocence. A short time after
Beryl is remanded in jail, news emerges that there's a
woman in the prison who is identical to how Alison looked
when she was Patricia. The woman - Pamela Hudson - is
released from prison and Alison does her best to get to
know her and find out who she is - although Pamela makes
it clear that she's been told a lot of bad things about
Alison and really isn't interested in knowing her. Alison
discovers eventually that Pamela is her twin sister, who
was given away by their parents when she was young, because
they couldn't cope with raising both girls. She reveals
the truth to an astonished Pamela.
Feeling guilty at Pamela being given away to a poor family
while she grew up and married into wealth, Patricia
vows to help Pamela in any way she can. The plan backfires,
though, when both women fall for the same man: Nick Benson.
A vicious battle of wills follows - but to Alison's fury,
it's Pamela who wins, and Nick drives off with her into
the sunset. Alison has the last laugh, however, after
she tracks down Pamela's 18-year-old twin children, Greg
and Sarah, and brings them to Sydney to live with her:
she decides to be a mother to them in the way that she
wasn't to her own twin children, John and Angela.
After Alison intervenes to remove nine-year-old Tick
McCarthy from Dural, where he's been staying with Wayne,
Wayne threatens Alison that he's not going to rest until
she's destroyed: a lifetime of hate has built up into
one ultimate winner-takes-all battle. From that moment,
everything begins to go wrong for Alison: Wayne manipulates
events so that Charlie turns against her and throws her
out of her house. He also manages to bankrupt her, leaving
her having to move into a run-down motel. Greg stands
by her until Wayne tells him gleefully that Pamela stayed
at Charlie's for a while, but Alison had never told him.
A devastated Alison tries to take revenge on Wayne by
using the small amount of money she can scrape together
to arrange for Wayne's car to blow-up when he turns the
ignition - but even that plan goes wrong when Charlie
gets into the car at the same time and a watching Alison
has to reveal herself and cry to Charlie to get out of
the car.
A lifetime of causing trouble for everyone else finally
brings Alison to her knees - but all is not lost: a most
surprising knight comes to her rescue: after everything
she's put him through, David still loves Alison enough
that, when he reads in a newspaper that she's been declared
bankrupt, he tracks her down and comments that he thought
she might need some help. A stunned Alison begins kissing
him passionately, hoping that, after 25 years of turbulence
with the man she's ultimately always loved, she has another