Irene Fisher

First Appearance: Episode 422
Last Appearance: Episode 738
Key Storylines:
Irene was married to her second husband, Nat Fisher, in
the 1960s, and they had a son, Todd. Both doctors, Irene
and Nat clashed frequently over the fact that Irene was
prepared to look at methods of healing other than conventional
medicine, and when she tried such methods on Todd when
he was very ill as a young child and Nat found out, it
was the end for them. Nat used his money in the courts
to ensure that Irene never saw Todd again, and he painted
a picture of her as a bad mother. Irene decided to give
up medicine.
By 1984, she is running a boarding house, and she gives
shelter to Terry Hansen when he goes on the run after
kidnapping baby Fee O'Donnel. She has to give him up to
the police when they call, but in the process she meets
Fiona Thompson, and Fiona offers to buy into the boarding
house - an offer Irene accepts. Todd comes back into her
life, but, to her horror, Irene learns that he has a terminal
illness. She and Amanda Morrell spend several happy weeks
with him as they help nurse him until he becomes too ill
to carry on and he flies off to Switzerland to die.
Irene harbours feelings towards David Palmer, but he
only has eyes for Patricia, and, to Irene's disappointment,
looks upon her purely as a mate. Irene's main
concern is the management of the boarding house, but she
still puts her medical skills to use occasionally, such
as helping Gordon Hamilton when he has a heart attack.
After Patricia walks out on David during their wedding
ceremony in late-1984, Irene ends up confessing to him
how she feels - but he makes it clear that he doesn't
and can't feel the same way about her. Irene
ends up being a reluctant witness at his second attempt
at marrying Patricia, after which she decides to leave
Australia and head to London, to carry out research into
the illness that killed Todd. While she's over there,
she decides to train to become a surgeon. After a few
months, she returns to Australia to set up her own surgery.
She begins a new romance, with Barbara Hamilton's 'late'
first husband, Roland Armstrong. Things go well, and Roland
proposes marriage - a proposal that Irene accepts. However,
when Roland and Barbara's son, Simon, turns up, Irene
is horrified because she's met him before: when he picked
her up at a party in London, slept with her and then asked
her to pay for his services. Although she tries to keep
details of Simon's activities as a gigolo - and her involvement
with him - a secret from Roland, the truth eventually
comes out. Roland finds it hard to deal with his son's
'career' and Irene's having slept with him, and he breaks
off the engagement and heads off to Hong Kong, to spend
some time with his daughter, Wendy. Irene turns her attentions
fully to running her new surgery.
When a friend of Fiona's, Maynard Gilling, tells Fiona,
Irene and Beryl about an opportunity to make money by
investing in coffee futures in Tangania, Irene decides
to go for it, and she invests most of her savings. Unfortunately,
an army takeover in Tangania leads to the crops being
nationalised - meaning Irene, Fiona and Beryl no longer
own them. It also means they lose their investment. As
a result, Irene realises that she can't afford to service
the mortgage on the boarding house. She helps Fiona through
treatment for cancer, but when she's then offered a position
as a doctor in a practice in the suburbs, she takes it
and moves away.
Todd Fisher

First Appearance: Episode 448
Last Appearance: Episode 479
Key Storylines:
Todd is the son of Irene Fisher by her second husband,
Nat. Nat gained custody of the boy when he was three years
old, and Irene eventually gave up trying to see him. In
mid-1984, when he's 18, Todd tracks down his mother after
learning that he has a terminal illness. He also meets
Amanda Morrell and falls in love with her - although he
fears telling her so, because he knows it can't go anywhere.
When his illness becomes too much, he flies to a clinic
in Switzerland to die.
Karen Fox/Hamilton

First Appearance: Episode 461
Last Appearance: Episode 562
Key Storylines:
Karen lives with Nat Fisher in Sydney, but has an 'open'
relationship with him. She helped raise his son, Todd,
for several years. When Karen meets Wayne Morrell in mid-1984,
he intrigues her - not only because he's good looking,
but also because she sees him as the opening she's looking
for into a new business venture: she puts up the money
to help Gordon's ailing company and he gives her three
months to turn the company's fortunes around. She goes
into competition with a new company that Patricia
has set up, but is the eventual winner in the battle after
Luke Carlyle embezzles all of Patricia's funds. Despite
this, though, she faces problems, and at the end of the
three months, she fails to have made a significant enough
impact to stop Gordon taking control again - although
Wayne is put in charge, as Gordon himself is sick following
a second heart attack.
During all this, Karen falls in love with Wayne, but
their relationship is tempestuous and she ends up losing
him to Katie O'Brien, much to her annoyance. She's also
furious when Katie and Wayne blackmail her over her past:
when she needed money twenty-odd years earlier, she 'borrowed'
some expensive jewellery from the wife of the man she
was seeing - George Brandon - and arranged for the real
thing to be replaced by fakes; she then cashed in the
real jewellery. Her relationship with George also gave
them a son: Alan. However, as she was only 17 when he
was born, and didn't have a husband or partner, Karen
gave him up and took little part in his upbringing; she
only asks to see him again when she needs money in 1984,
he having inherited a fortune from his father upon his
death. A bitter Alan makes her jump through hoops before
he'll hand over a cheque.
Karen hires Bob 'Mitch' Mitchell as a courier, but he
and Wayne continually come to blows over Mitch's interest
in Amanda. They end up fighting and Wayne knocks Mitch
out; Karen, though, tells Wayne that he's killed
Mitch, and she pays Mitch to disappear and then pretends
to Wayne that she's dumped the body. As Wayne's guilt
at killing someone begins to overwhelm him, Karen uses
this to her advantage and she eventually persuades him
to marry her. They wed after Wayne's divorce from Amanda
comes through, but there are complications when everything
becomes too much for Wayne and he decides to confess the
'murder' to the police. Fortunately, Karen manages to
persuade the police that Wayne has had a breakdown and
that he imagined the whole thing.
Everything begins to go wrong for Karen after Wayne inadvertently
discovers the truth about her paying Mitch to pretend
to be dead, via a letter sent by Mitch to Amanda. Wayne
exacts brutal revenge, almost strangling Karen in his
fury at the way she's manipulated him. He throws her out
of Dural and tells her that their marriage is over. Distraught
at losing Wayne, Karen attempts suicide by gassing herself
in her car, but Wayne discovers her and revives her. He
tells her, however, that the only reason he did that was
because he didn't want her killing herself in full view
of the house. Karen ends up ranting at the Hamiltons and
then storms off. As she does so, she gets into an argument
with Liz Smith over the way Karen abused Gordon. Liz ends
up slapping Karen and Karen falls into the stream at the
bottom of the Hamiltons' driveway as a result. She's knocked
out and drowns.