Hal Mason

First Appearance: Episode 108
Last Appearance: Episode 158
Key Storylines:
The Managing Director of Ramberg Industries is quick to
take Patricia's side against Fiona, and he hires Wayne
to do his dirty work - but he makes it clear that he's
only out to look after number one. He tries to develop
a relationship with Beryl Palmer, but she realises she
only really loves her husband of twenty years, David.
Mason invests Ramberg funds in a deal before it has been
approved by the board. The board decides not
to pursue the deal, though, and when the deal falls through
and the money is lost, Mason disappears. It isn't long
before police find his body on some rocks, but it is concluded
that he fell, rather than jumped.
Helena Matsoukis
First Appearance: Episode 571
Last Appearance: Episode 588
Key Storylines:
Helena arrives in Australia from Greece; she's due to
stay with a friend of Fiona's, Eddie Wallace - a former
pimp - until the date of her arranged wedding to fiancé
Nikos Dimitriou. However, when she meets Andy Green, they
are immediately attracted to each other. Andy tries his
best to convince everyone that arranged marriages are
wrong, but Helena is unable to understand why he
won't marry her immediately, instead of Nikos. Nikos eventually
follows Helena to Australia, but she is adamant that she
won't marry him. The situation comes to a head when she
displays signs of intense jealousy at Andy after she sees
him having fun with Amanda Morrell and she throws a glass
of wine in Amanda's face; Andy realises that there's no
future for the two of them as they're both too young to
get married. Helena sadly decides to return to Greece.
Christine Matthews
First Appearance: Episode 299
Last Appearance: Episode 311
Key Storylines:
Christine is the young woman Paul Sheppard finds when
he decides to buy a baby for him and Angela; the guy by
whom Christine fell pregnant left her, and she jumped
at Paul's offer of money in return for his name going
down as the father on the birth certificate. John Palmer
talks Chrstine out of the idea, and she thinks he'll provide
for her and - as it turns out - her twins, but Rosie tells
her that John doesn't have two cents to rub together,
so she decides to go back to the original plan. She chases
after Paul, and she succeeds in blocking Angela out of
baby John's nurturing. Paul agrees to let Christine stay
with him and Angela, but this is too much for Angela,
and Paul and Christine move into a place on their own.
Di Miller

First Appearance: Episode 109
Last Appearance: Episode 154
Key Storylines:
Hal Mason's Personal Assistant is used by Wayne to try
and find out anything useful that he can about Fiona,
but Di realises what he's up to and refuses to get involved.
Di is having a relationship with Hal Mason until she meets
John Palmer, with whom she falls in love. John has to
decide between her or his family, though, and he chooses
his family. Di decides to get away from John, Mason, Ramberg
and Sydney, and start again.
Bob 'Mitch' Mitchell
First Appearance: Episode 482
Last Appearance: Episode 530
Key Storylines:
Bob 'Mitch' Mitchell meets Terry Hansen at the prison
farm where Terry is jailed in 1984. Reaching the end of
an eleven-year sentence for murdering a guy who was coming-on
to his then girlfriend, Mitch is about to be released,
and Terry asks Fiona to put him up as he has nowhere else
to go. As soon as he meets Amanda Morrell, Mitch is attracted
to her, and they end up sleeping together. Amanda falls
pregnant, but Mitch is horrified when she tells everyone
that it's the late Todd Fisher's kid; she was just using
him. Mitch eventually forces her to admit the truth, but
sadly she suffers a miscarriage, and the two of them agree
to be just friends.
Mitch lands a job as the courier for Gordon Hamilton
and Karen Fox's company, but he becomes frustrated at
the fact that he doesn't earn enough money to do things
that will impress Amanda so that she'll be interested
in him. He's furious when Alan Brandon starts showing
an interest in Amanda, so when Karen Fox asks him to steal
some jewellery for her, he thinks about it, and although
he's initially wary about being caught and going back
to jail, he agrees to the idea because it's the only way
he's going to get his hands on any decent money. However,
Terry turns up halfway through the job and persuades him
that what he's doing is stupid. To his fury, Mitch then
discovers from Karen that the jewellery was fake anyway.
Still desperate to hold on to Amanda, Mitch effectively
kidnaps her and forces her to drive to a shack in the
middle of nowhere, which is owned by his former Sergeant
in the army, Barney Adams. Amanda escapes a few days later
by shooting Mitch with a gun he finds hidden under the
couch. Mitch becomes increasingly unstable as he realises
that he can't have Amanda, and as he then finds out that
Barney wasn't the man he always looked up to (he discovers
that Barney was partially responsible for the massacre
of innocent women and children in Vietnam). He gets into
a fight with Wayne Hamilton at the Fisher house, which
results in him being knocked out. To his surprise, Karen
Fox pays him to pretend to be dead and disappear - which
he does, but not until he's sat in his car and watched
Amanda for one final time.
A few months later, Mitch is surprised when Wayne turns
up at his new home; Wayne forces him to admit the truth
about Karen paying him.
Kerry Mitchell
First Appearance: Episode 163
Last Appearance: Episode 198
Key Storylines:
Kerry Mitchell had a fling with Rob Keegan and found herself
pregnant after splitting up with him. Two years later,
she writes to tell him about his child. Unable to cope
with raising Domine anymore, she dumps her with Fiona
and Rob and Angela then take her back to Melbourne, where
they apply for legal custody. Kerry, though, realises
that she may have made a mistake in giving her daughter
up so quickly. Rob starts a legal battle to keep his daughter,
but then realises the effect it's having on Domine and
agrees to give her back to her mother. Kerry and Domine
move back to live with Kerry's parents.
Dee Morrell
First Appearance: Episode 305
Last Appearance: Episode 337
Key Storylines:
Dee is the mother of Barbara and Stephen, a matriarch
who was a chorus girl when she was younger. Never wanting
to give up her youth, she had a string of affairs while
in her forties, but Barbara told her father about them,
and when he died of - effectively - a broken heart, both
children broke off their relationship with Dee. Stephen
made up again about ten years later, though, and became
a successful businessman - although he was always using
Dee's money. At the age of 64, Dee returns to Australia
from years overseas, and isn't happy about Stephen's new
wife, Patricia. She drafts a new will, stipulating that
Stephen and Patricia will only inherit if they produce
a male heir. Patricia admits that she can't have any more
children and so Dee comes up with an alternative plan:
she asks her granddaughter, Amanda, to marry Wayne Hamilton,
with money as the incentive to give her the grandson she
so desperately wants. Before they wed, though, Dee dies.
Her death leads to even greater repercussions after she
uses her will to split her vast fortune between Wayne
and Amanda, Beryl Palmer and Margaret Dunne, leaving Patricia
and Stephen with nothing but a portrait of her.