First Appearance: Episode 387 (1984)
Last Appearance: Episode 692 (1985)
Known Family: Husband - Mike O'Brien; Daughter
- Katie O'Brien; Son - Jeff O'Brien; Brother-in-Law -
Jim O'Brien
Key Relationships:
Marriage to Mike O'Brien (d. 1985)
Key Storylines:
Heather Townsend met Mike O'Brien in Melbourne
after spraining her ankle as she was passing the building
site where Mike was working in the early-1960s. Mike offered
her a lift home and she accepted. He then asked her out
and the relationship went from there, leading to marriage
and children: Katie and Jeff. The family moved to Perth
in the early-1970s. Mike set up a building company with
his brother, Jim, but, over time, he gradually started
working longer and longer hours, and it got so that Heather
and the kids never saw him. In the end, the pressure on
their marriage became too much, and, in the early-1980s,
Heather left Mike and took the kids to another part of
Perth, where she raised them on her own for a couple of
When Mike's company went bust, he and Heather decided
to try again. Mike admitted to Heather that he'd had a
bit of a fling with his secretary, Carol, while he was
single again, and she told him to see Carol one more time
and finish things properly. In late-1983, Heather had
to deal with Jeff and a friend of his, Luke Carlyle, stealing
a car, going for a joyride and crashing it. She ended
up turning to Jim, who took full charge of the situation
and covered the costs. Jeff appeared in a children's court
but was released on a bond and no conviction was recorded
against him. Heather decided not to tell Mike about this,
though. Heather worked for Roger Carlyle - Luke's father
- but worried about his unhealthy interest in young girls;
she feared particularly for Katie's safety around him.
Having reconciled with Mike, the two of them decided to
move the family back to Melbourne and start again.
Life in Melbourne doesn't run smoothly, though: Heather
has to deal with Luke turning up on the O'Briens' doorstep,
followed by Roger; Roger trying deliberately to destroy
Mike's new lawn-mowing business; Mike's furious rows with
his brother, Jim; Jeff's descent into steroid abuse and
then alcoholism; Mike's new job working for Patricia Morrell
- and the increasing number of hours he begins to work
again; and then Jeff's untimely death in a fire at the
O'Briens', which also leaves the family homeless.
Looking for a second chance in life, Mike and Heather
adopt a baby boy called Jamie, not realising that he's
really Beryl's baby son, Robert, who was kidnapped firstly
by Gloria Dutton and then by Leigh Palmer. They move away
to Brisbane, to make a new start - but then have to face
further trauma when Beryl discovers the truth and turns
up demanding her baby back. Heather refuses and Beryl
eventually backs down, accepting sadly that her son has
a new life.
A few months later, Mike is injured in an accident on
a building site, after feeling unsteady following a bout
of 'flu. He appears to be making a recovery in hospital,
but the doctors then discover a blood clot on his brain.
They announce that it's inoperable and Mike dies towards
the end of 1985. Deciding she can't bring up a child on
her own, Heather heads back to Melbourne and returns Robert
to Beryl. She finds it hard to let go of 'Jamie', though,
and tries to take him back to Brisbane again - only she's
stopped by Beryl and David. She has to head home to Brisbane
on her own to come to terms with all the tragedy of the
last couple of years and the sad realisation that life
has to go on...