Episode 963

Fiona smiling after explaining to Todd that escort agencies will
talk to her for Auld Lang Syne; she's trying to track down the
woman he was caught with by Charlie.
Episode 964

Wayne staring at a photo of Mandy - the woman Todd was caught
with - and musing that it's time for her to resurface.
Episode 965

Caroline after revealing to Beryl that, if she went ahead and
had her baby, it would be born handicapped.
Episode 966

Craig with Andy, who's holding Madonna, after Fiona has threatened
Andy that she'll make sure he never becomes Madonna's legal custodian.
Episode 967

Fiona and Todd sitting in a club, waiting to talk to the woman
that Todd was caught with by Charlie.
Episode 968

Alison staring at a newspaper clipping showing her standing with
the woman Todd was caught with; Charlie has just thrown her out
of her house.
Episode 969

Alison staring at Wayne as he visits her in the dingy motel she's
staying in and gloats that she's finished.
Episode 970

Alison smiling gleefully as she watches Wayne climb into his
car outside Charlie's; she's arranged for the car to explode when
he switches on the ignition.
Episode 971

Alison looking devastated and alone after Susan tells her that
she can't help her any more.
Episode 972

The final episode was accompanied by a montage
of images from the entire run of Sons and Daughters.