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    Written by: Jennifer Walsh    Produced by: John D. Holmes   Directed by: Graeme Hodgson

Darren is in the kitchen at Rob and Angela's. Angela tells him that he can't just run away; what about his mother? Darren replies that she doesn't want him around. He then sarcastically thanks Angela for blowing his cover. Angela tells him that she thought she was doing the right thing - she just wanted to help out by giving his mother a job. Darren backs down and tells Angela that it's not her fault. He adds that she should have heard his mum screaming and shouting. Angela says she's sorry, but points out that all families have arguments; it'll calm down. Darren, though, says his mum doesn't care how he feels; she's going to send him to boarding schoool because she says she can't trust him anymore. Rob chips in, "So you were planning to just disappear?" Darren replies that he just wanted to be on his own - get a job, a place to live - but he just wanted to say goodbye first, because Rob and Angela had been good to him. Angela asks him if he's got any money, but he says he hasn't got much, although he has a few things he can hock. He then indicates his guitar and suggests he could do some busking to make money while he's looking for work. Rob tells him that he's not going to get far tonight - it's a bit late to find a room. Realising that Rob's suggesting he stays, Darren tries to say it's not necessary, but Rob assures him that it's no trouble - he can make an early start in the morning. Angela also asks Darren to stay, adding that he's more than welcome. Darren says that, if they're sure... Rob tells him to put his stuff in the spare room, and then have something to eat. Darren goes upstairs, leaving Rob to say to Angela that this is the last thing they need. Angela just remarks, "Poor kid." She adds that she's glad Rob asked him to stay. Rob retorts that he couldn't very well turf him out. He tells Angela that this is what happens when with you chum up with lame dogs. Angela ignores this and says they're stuck with him now, for tonight, at least. Rob quickly says it's tonight full stop. He adds that Angela knows what Darren's after: underneath that independent streak, he's got his eye on their spare room; first thing tomorrow, he's leaving to go back with his mother, where he belongs. He agrees to make him welcome for the night, though. Angela says she'll ring Darren's mother, as she must be worried. Rob suggests they pack him off to bed and then do it. Angela agrees.

Sometime later, on the 'phone, Angela tells Mrs. Brooks that they got a shock, too, but he's alright - fine for tonight at least. Mrs. Brooks asks when he arrived, and Angela says it was around 7pm. Mrs. Brooks tells her that she's sorry he caused so much trouble. Angela says they don't mind; they would have been more worried if he'd disappeared. She then says she feels that she really put her foot in it this afternoon. Mrs. Brooks says she doesn't know what do with him; she adds that she'll come straight over and get him. Angela, though, says it's late and he's already asleep; she suggests Mrs. Brooks leave it until the morning, as there's no point in upsetting him again. Mrs. Brooks says he shoudn't be - he had no right to barge in on them in the first place. Angela says they did invite him. She adds that she just thinks he'll be more reasonable after a good night's sleep. Mrs. Brooks says she sees Angela's point, but she'll be there first thing in the morning - at 8am. Angela tells her she'll see her then. Mrs. Brooks thanks Angela for everything she's done. Angela says bye and hangs up. She turns to Rob and tells him that she has the feeling that if Mrs. Brooks got her hands on Darren tonight, she would have rung his neck. Rob admits that he probably would himself in her shoes. Angela thanks him for going along with this, and she tells him that he knows she loves him. Rob says that of course he does, and he asks what brought this on. Angela quickly says it's nothing. Rob repeats that of course he loves her - even if she does make his life miserable now and again! He puts his arms round her, and Angela tells him that she'll be better - she promises. Rob says he was only joking, and Angela says she knows, but she promises: she will be better. They hug.

Wayne is watching TV at Toorak when Patricia comes in. She asks if Margaret has gone to bed, and Wayne says he supposes so; she disappeared when he got in. He offers Patricia a nightcap and, as he pours it, Patricia snaps that she hopes he's enjoying her best whisky. She then asks what was so important that he had to rush off tonight. She turns the TV off and Wayne immediately complains that he was watching that. Patricia tells him that he might have shown Margaret some hospitality on her first night. Wayne asks if she wants a full-time babysitter as well as free board. Patricia crosses her arms angrily and snaps at Wayne that he may not realise it, but there is such thing as good manners; even his company would have been better than spending the night alone. Wayne retorts that he was as nice as pie this afternoon and Margaret bit his head off; he doesn't see why he should put himself out. Patricia suggests that he find a very good reason then - because Margaret is staying and she expects Wayne to make her feel welcome. Wayne sips his drink and Patricia says, "I mean it."

The next morning, at the breakfast table, Patricia asks Margaret what time she has to go to work. Margaret explains that, actually, it's her day off - she was going to go round to Aunt Mary's to pick up the book she left her. Patricia starts to clears the plates and says, "A book - how very generous!" Margaret sighs and says Val's going to be there. Patricia remarks, "Cousin Val - still as bad as ever?" Margaret goes, "Hmm..." Patricia asks why bother then, but Margaret says she feels as if she's got to do the decent thing - she doesn't want Val to have the pleasure of saying she didn't. Patricia offers to go with her, saying she'd love to see the old place again. She adds that she'll buy Margaret lunch first, so they can fortify themselves. Margaret tells Patricia that she can come along if she likes, but she'd rather skip lunch. Patricia tells her that there's a lovely little restaurant in Chapel Street that she knows... Margaret, though, snaps that she doesn't want to be paraded around as Patricia's poor relation. Patricia looks at her in surprise and tells her sister that that's not what she had in mind. Margaret snaps that, if she walks into Patricia's kind of restaurant in her kind of clothes - she's wearing a floral print dress and a shabby blue cardigan - there's only thing it can look like. She quickly says she's sorry - she didn't mean it to sound unpleasant. Patricia says it won't be easy for a while, but they'll relax together eventually. She tells Margaret that if that's all it is, she can lend her a dress. Margaret, though, declines and suggests they forget it. Patricia says she has a whole wardrobe of outfits she never wears; why doesn't she bring a few things down and see if there's anything Margaret likes. Margaret looks at Patricia, who points out that Val would be livid if Margaret turned up looking like a million dollars. She heads off upstairs. Margaret turns to look at her and then smiles...

A while later, Patricia has draped a number of outfits over the back of the settee. Margaret picks up a beige dress and says it's lovely. She asks if it's silk, and Patricia tells her that that colour would look lovely on her. She adds that it never did a thing for her. Wayne comes in and sarcasticaly asks if Cinderella is getting ready for the ball. Margaret explains that it's lunch. Patricia comments to Wayne that Margaret will look lovely in the beige dress; Wayne sarcastically replies, "Oh yeah!" Margaret puts the dress back down and says any one will do - it doesn't matter. Patricia picks the dress up again and says she has a bag that matches it; she'll have a look upstairs. She goes, and Margaret holds the dress up against herself again. Wayne nastily remarks to her that Patricia is like a kid with a new toy. Margaret says she doesn't mind, but Wayne tells her that Patricia will get sick of playing the loving sister soon; she'll find herself out in the cold. Margaret retorts that not everybody treats people the way he apparently does. Wayne replies, "Don't say I didn't warn you."

Mrs. Brooks and Darren come downstairs at Rob and Angela's, with Mrs. Brooks telling her son that she doesn't know how she's ever going to trust him again. They go into the kitchen, where Mrs. Brooks remarks on the things Darren has been doing behind her back. Darren snaps that she won't have to worry any more - he's leaving. Mrs. Brooks stops in her tracks and snaps that she doesn't know what he thinks he's up to. Darren tells her that she doesn't take any notice of him at home, so what difference would it make if he left? Mrs. Brooks goes and stands next to Angela and tells Darren that of course it would make a difference. Darren snaps that all she cares about is work - she'd rather spend time talking to her daggy clients than to him. Mrs. Brooks asks if it's any wonder? - all she gets out of him is grunts. Darren snaps that she wouldn't listen anyway. Rob carries on with the washing up as Darren continues that the only time his mother listens is when he asks for money, because then she knows that will get him out of the house. Mrs. Brooks says, "For goodness' sake..." but Darren mimics, "'Oh, mum, listen, could I have $10, I just want to go and buy some dynamite to blow up the West Gate Bridge?' 'Oh sure, dear, now don't be too late home.'" Mrs. Brooks starts to say that that's just because... but Darren continues, "Or how about another ten for some grog?" Angela snaps at Darren to shut up, and she asks him who he said didn't listen; talk about the pot calling the kettle black. She tells Darren to go upstairs and make his bed, as she wants to talk to his mother alone. Darren snaps at Angela that he told her it wouldn't make any difference bringing his mother there. He heads off upstairs. As he goes, Mrs. Brooks cries, "Darren," and adds that he's not being fair. He ignores this, though. Mrs. Brooks looks at Angela, who's pouring coffee, and half jokes that, sometimes, they're quite civilised! Angela assures her that there's no need to apologise - all families have problems. Mrs. Brooks says Darren has really gone overboard, and Angela admits that she was being a bit optimistic last night; he's still pretty explosive. Mrs. Brooks says she really has tried to talk to him - he's in another world most of the time, but he seemed very happy. Angela says he's a nice kid - he's been very helpful round there, and good company, too. Mrs. Brooks says she doesn't know how she's ever going to drag him home. Angela says she had a thought while Mrs. Brooks and Darren were arguing. Rob looks at her as Angela suggests to Mrs. Brooks that she let him stay there for a few days - it's mutual ground, and Mrs. Brooks can see him every day while she's doing the decorating; she can approach him gradually - it's better to be somewhere safe until he calms down. Mrs. Brooks says she doesn't know; she looks to Rob, but he just says that it's whatever Angela wants - he's away with work for most of time - it's up to Angela. Angela says it'll only be for a few days; she's sure they'll be able to talk him around. Mrs. Brooks tells her that, if she's sure she can put up with him... Angela says she doesn't think it'll be that hard.

In Darren's room, Angela says, "Well?" Darren says it just wouldn't work - he and his mum just don't get on. Angela tells him that he doesn't know that; they haven't really tried, from the sounds of it. Darren says he has, but Angela asks him how come his mother didn't even know he was unhappy?; how come she says he won't talk to her? Rob chips in that it's worth a go - it's either stay there or go home. He adds that Darren's a sensible kid - he knows running away isn't on. Darren says it's not much of a choice - either way, he'll have her on his back again. Angela snaps that that's some attitude. She tells Darren to get this through his head: if he stays there, he can straighten things out with his mother - talk to her and listen when she talks to him. Darren says she won't say anything new, and Angela agrees, but she points out that he might hear her for a change. She tells Darren to give his mother a chance - he owes her that much. Darren agrees to see how it goes - but he'll pay his way, and do extra work round the place. Angela laughs and says he'd better believe it! Rob offers him a lift to school, and Angela asks about his uniform. Darren says the school won't worry. Angela then asks him about telling his mum, but Darren asks her to tell her. He goes downstairs. Rob kisses Angela and says that at least it gives her something to do. Angela playfully hits him!

David is sitting in the kitchen at the Palmers' when Kevin comes in the back door. He asks if Beryl's gone to work, and David tells him that he just missed her. Kevin says he's whacked, and David tells him to pull up a pew. Kevin, though, says he's got a better way to relax: go to footy, get a few kicks in before dark; pretend it's Victor's head! He adds that he's meeting Peter down the park, and asks what the time is. David says it's getting on to 5:30pm. Kevin says he'd better make a move, as he wants to nip round and see if Rob will be in it. He invites David to come too, but David says he's got a few things to do. Kevin points out that it would beat Doug nagging him until teatime. David says Doug is down the RSL; he was enjoying the quiet! Kevin says that sounds like an excuse for slacking! He then tells David that he'd like Pete if he gave him a go. He continues the challenge by then asking his father if he's scared that they young blokes will slaughter him! David gives in and agrees to come. Kevin asks him if he's coming to Rob's. David declines, saying he'll hunt the ball out and meet them down there.

A while later, in the park, Peter walks over to where David is standing with the ball. David says it's a good night for it - but a bit nippy. Peter agrees. David suggests they have a few kicks while they're waiting, and warm up a bit.

Angela, Darren and Kevin are sitting at the table in the dining room at Rob and Angela's. Angela asks Kevin how he managed to talk David round, and Kevin replies, "Ways and means!" Angela laughs, but says she thinks it's great - Peter is too nice to have grudges against. Kevin agrees. Angela says she can't see David and Peter not getting on, if David relaxes. Kevin says it's a start. Angela tells him that it's a pity Rob can't join them, but he's not back from the depot yet. Kevin says that's too bad - he thought it would be even numbers. He gets up to go but, as he does so, asks if it's still alright if he brings Jennifer over tomorow. Angela says that sure it is - she's dying to meet her. She then asks Darren to go and get the casserole from the oven, and when he's left the room, she asks Kevin to ask Darren to go with him. Kevin asks if he can play. Angela says she doesn't know, but that's not the point - it would do him good to get out of the house. Kevin suggests that he didn't look too keen, but Angela tells him that he's a mixed-up kid - he doesn't know what he's thinking. Kevin says, "No worries!" Angela thanks him, adding that she's going to need all the help can get with Darren!

A taxi pulls up ouside a house, and Patricia gets out. She looks at the house as Margaret pays the taxi driver. She, too, then gets out of the taxi and stands next to Patricia, who says it's strange: it's the same and yet it's not the same; when she was young, it used to seem like a palace to her, but it's just an ordinary house. Margaret suggests that that depends on what you're used to. Patricia says that, to her, it used to stand for extraordinary wealth. Margaret points out that Aunt Mary did used to play it up to the hilt. Patricia recalls the way that Mary and Doug used to patronise them. She adds that she thinks that's why she grew up determined to outdo them - to be as wealthy as them, but to enjoy it, just to show them. She laughs and asks if Margaret remembers how Val used to look through the window and make faces at them when they arrived. Margaret smiles and says she watches from behind the curtain now! They go up the path, Margaret closing the gate behind them.

Inside, a music box is playing, with a ballerina rotating to the tune of 'Greensleeves'. Patricia picks the box up and says it really is very pretty - her favourite thing as a child. She carefully closes the lid, watching the ballerina fold up, and asks if she could have it as a memento. Val snaps that that's typical of her - she never bothered to keep in touch, and now her mother's gone, she suddenly pretends to feel something for her. She adds that she never even bothered to come to the funeral. Patricia sarcastically says she gets the feeling she should offer to buy it - it seems that money is the only thing Val is interested in at the moment. Val retorts that Patricia's family bludged on them for years - and her mother was stupid enough to put up with it. Patricia smiles and says Val hasn't changed. Val tells Patricia that neither has she - she's as catty as ever. Patricia stands up and asks Margaret if she's ready. Margaret says yes - she's got her inheritance; she indicates a book she's holding. Val tells her not to sound so hardly done by - she got plenty over the years. She turns to Patricia and tells her that it's her turn to have Margaret round her neck. Patricia says some people don't begrudge helping their families - but Val wouldn't know about that. As they head to the door, Val says she doesn't think of either of Patricia or Margaret as family - least of all Patricia. Patricia says it's been 22 years since they've seen each other, and with a bit of luck, it'll be another 22 before they see each other again. She hands back the music box and walks off.

Kevin, Peter, David and Darren are playing football. David and Peter run into each other while trying to catch the ball, and fall over. David asks Peter if he's alright. Kevin calls out to ask if they're going to hog the ball all day!

It's dark when Darren returns to Rob and Angela's. Angela asks him if he had a good time, and Darren replies that it was fantastic; they're nice people. Angela carries on with the washing up as Darren excitedly tells her that he wanted to keep playing, but it was getting too dark - but they said they'd ask him again. Angela tells Darren that she's glad he enjoyed it. Darren adds that he got a lift home with David, who gave him a few pointers - he should be able to play much better next time. Angela suggests to him that he 'phone his mum, as she'd love to hear about it. Darren sourly says she wouldn't be interested, but Angela reminds him that they had an agreement: more communication. Darren says he'll tell her some other time. Angela suggests he tell her tomorrow, when she comes over with the sketches. Darren changes the subject and offers to help with the washing up, but Angela says it's alright. Seeing her washing up crockery, Darren asks if it's a new set. Angela says it was cheap, but she wanted a full set after what Max Burke did to the other one. Darren looks guilty... Angela says she wouldn't mind breaking this lot over Max Burke's head! Darren unhappily tells Angela that there's something he wants to talk to her about. He then explains that he wanted Angela to see what Max Burke was like and to realise that she needed protecton; Max didn't smash the crockery - he did. Angela turns and looks at him. Darren continues that he didn't want to do it, but he didn't think she'd want him hanging around; now he realises it was just a stupid thing to do; and now she's been so good to him, he just feels terrible. Angela listens and then tells Darren that he's right: it was a stupid thing to do. Darren says he knows. Angela continues that he has to start being more confident. She tells him that he's a nice person - he doesn't have to go around pulling stupid tricks to get people to accept him. Darren sighs and says he just didn't see any reason why Angela would want him hanging around. Angela suggests that maybe it would be because she likes him - and other people will, too, if he gives them a chance - including his mum. She adds that at least he owned up, although he'll have to make up for it. Darren asks if she's not going to kick him out, and Angela says that of course she isn't. She suggests they take a bit out of his wages each week, and Darren happily agrees that she can take as much as she likes! Angela says just a couple of dollars will do it. She tells Darren that it looks like he's going to be around a while longer. She then suggests he make himself useful, and she throws him a teatowel. Darren picks up one of the plates and Angela tells him to go carefully - she doesn't want him to break any more dishes!

Kevin and Peter are sitting on the couch in the lounge room at the Palmers', while David gets some beers and soft drinks from the kitchen. Kevin says that the kickaround was great - they'll have to do it more often. He adds that Darren had a good time. Peter laughs and asks if Kevin saw Darren's face when he took that mark! David comes in with drinks and proposes a toast to a successful footy season. He then tells Kevin to get to the kitchen, as he's starving! Kevin says he did it the other night, but David says it's only a matter of heating up what Beryl left. Kevin says it's still work! David jokes, "Slacker!" He asks Peter what he's doing for tea, and Peter replies that he'll probably just be scratching around at home. David says plenty there if he wants to stay. Peter eagerly agrees, and David heads back to the kitchen. Kevin calls after his father to say he was only joking - he'll lend a hand. He goes into the kitchen while Peter goes to 'phone his father. Kevin asks David if he's glad he came with them. David asks what Kevin reckons! Kevin says Peter is a good bloke. David tells his son to take the smug look off his face and set the table!

At Toorak, Patricia hands the book back to Margaret and says that at least it's an original edition. Margaret laughs and says she can remember telling Aunt Mary that she couldn't stand Elizabeth Barrett-Browning! Patricia suggests that perhaps she meant Margaret to sell it? Margaret says, "Who knows?" She pauses and then says, "Who cares?" She puts the book down and then tells Patricia that she did like the way she spoke to Val. She adds, "If looks could kill...!" Patricia says she asked for it. Margaret thanks her for sticking up for her, and she says she did enjoy today. Patricia says she enjoyed it, too. She adds that Margaret does look lovely in that dress. She then says she'd better go and change before dinner, and she goes upstairs. Wayne, who's sitting in the corner, starts pretending to play the violin to accompany Margaret's 'sob story'. Margaret looks at him, and Wayne sarcastically says it was touching. Margaret asks him if he gets some sort of kick out of putting people down. Wayne replies that he used to be some sort of favourite, too, but Patricia's gone off him. Margaret cooly says she's not surprised. She starts to get up from the chair, and Wayne tells her that she can get him a drink if she likes. Margaret says she doesn't like, as a matter of fact. Wayne looks at her. Margaret tells him that, yesterday, she wasn't sure where she stood, but after today, she knows Patricia wants her. She continues that Patricia wants a sister - family contact; she doesn't think she's just a flash in the pan, so she wouldn't stir it if she were Wayne, otherwise she might have to make sure he goes. Wayne looks at her, annoyed, as she walks out, saying, "Get your own drinks from now on."


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