A short while later, Wayne is on the 'phone in the
hall - he's calling the doctor, and says he'll see him in an hour.
He hangs up and tells Amanda that the doctor is coming over to
sign the death certificate; he suggested they contact the funeral
directors as soon as possible. They go into the lounge room, and
Wayne says he supposes they should get in contact with Dee's solicitor
as well. Amanda, who's very upset, says she should ring her Dad
and Aunty Barbara. Wayne, though, snaps, "No you won't. They
mustn't found out about it 'til tomorrow." Amanda asks why
not, and Wayne replies that there are lots of things
they have to fix up before the others get there. Amanda says they
should be told, and Wayne says they will be
- but not just yet. Amanda sighs and asks Wayne how he
can be so cold. Wayne says that he's just being practical.
Amanda sobs that she knows he didn't care about Dee,
but she was her grandmother. Wayne, though, snaps that
she's gone and that's all there is to it; he tells Amanda to pull
herself together - if she wants to cry, she can do it later. Amanda
cries that she loved her. Realising he's fighting a losing
battle, Wayne tells Amanda to have her cry now, while
he makes all the 'phone calls. He warns her to get it
out of her system now, though, because they're going to have to
get ready to go out later - there's one very important thing they
must do before tonight. He leaves the room. Amanda sits,
Patricia is pouring coffee for Charlie at the Sydney
apartment, and Charlie tells Patricia that she's never going to
believe what's happened. Patricia sits down and asks
what. Charlie replies that she's been invited to the black and
white ball - and Jane Davies is livid! Looking surprised,
Patricia asks Charlie how she managed it, and Charlie says it
was the photo she had taken with Dee Morrell; she has a feeling
that photo will open quite a few doors for her! Patricia
sourly comments that at least Dee was useful for something.
Charlie says she now just has to find something to wear.
Patricia tells her not to ask her to come shopping -
not without money. Charlie, though, says she's not having
anything off the rack; she's thinking of having something
made - she's onto a new designer. Patricia asks his name is. Charlie
tells her not to be cheeky! She adds that it's a young lady,
actually - a friend of Fiona's, who's staying at Gordon and Barbara's;
they told her she's the bright young thing of the rag trade, so
she thought she'd sniff around and see what she can do for herself.
They suddenly hear a key turn in the front door, and Stephen comes
in. Patricia says to Charlie that she hopes he has good news.
She goes to the door. Stephen has a bottle of champagne, which
he quickly hides behind one of the bags he's carrying. Seeing
the grim look on his face, Patricia asks if it's the same old
story, but Stephen says, "Not quite." Patricia
asks him if he's on the shortlist. Stephen says, "No."
There's silence for a few seconds, until Patricia tells him not
to keep her in suspense. Stephen says, "I got it!"
He smiles broadly, and Patricia hugs him, saying it's wonderful.
Stephen tells her that it's a better job than he had with Dee,
and the money's fantastic! Patricia and Charlie both
congratulate him, and Stephen brings out the champagne. He asks
Charlie to get some glasses. Patricia tells him that she's very
happy for him. Stephen says that, for the first time in his life,
he's on his own - and it feels great; he doesn't know
why he didn't have courage to do it years ago! Patricia
tells him he's doing it now - that's the main
thing. Stephen replies that if she hadn't been there
to back him up, he wouldn't have. They hug.
In the kitchen at the Palmers', Beryl tells David
to tell the others that dinner's ready. David tells her that Kevin's
not back yet, but Beryl says that's too bad: she told
him not to go to Nelson's; they get talking and he forgets to
come home. David suggests she put Kevin's in the oven, then, but
Beryl snaps that she's not in the restaurant now, where
she serves meals at all times. Surprised at this outburst, David
tells her not to get upset, and he asks what's wrong. Beryl replies
that she's in a bit of a mood, she supposes - she's had Margaret
Dunne on her mind all day. She asks David what he's going to do,
but David says it's already done: he's 'phoned the social
worker bloke and told him they want nothing to do with her. Beryl
asks what the social worker said, and David replies that he understood
and said there were other people he could send her to.
He adds that that's what Prisoners' Aid is all about
- helping people like her when they come out; Alice and Tony are
different, as they're sort of 'friends'. He tells Beryl that he
can't forget that Margaret nearly had him put away; he's
not saying he can't feel sorry for her, but she's not
their problem. Beryl asks about the money for the truck, and David
says he told the social worker he'd pay it back. He then tells
Beryl not to worry - he made it perfectly clear that they don't
want Margaret hanging around. Beryl says good - because a few
moments ago, she thought she might have been running a halfway
house! David laughingly says that's not a bad idea now that she's
a lady of leisure! Beryl thumps him!
Wayne opens the front door at Toorak from outside.
He is dressed in a black suit and Amanda is wearing a long white
dress. Wayne tells her to hold on, and he lifts her up, explaining
that he wants to carry her across the threshold. Amanda, though,
tells him to put her down. Wayne says he's great one for custom,
but Amanda asks, "Since when?" Wayne replies,
"Since now!" Amanda says that, in the circumstances,
it hardly seems appropriate. Wayne reluctantly puts her
down and she goes into the lounge room. Wayne closes the front
door. He joins Amanda and says they were lucky the marriage licence
came through - there's no way any of them can interfere now.
He offers his new wife a drink, but she declines. Wayne asks why
she doesn't want anything, and Amanda replies that she doesn't
feel very happy. Wayne tells her to think of the money; that
'll cheer her up. Amanda, though, says she's not very proud
of what they've just done. Wayne says it's called survival, but
Amanda tells him that she can't look at things the way he
does; Dee was hardly dead for five minutes and they were rushing
off to get married; there's something awful
about it. Wayne coldly says, "It had to be done," but
Amanda says it still doesn't mean she enjoyed doing it.
Wayne gives her a scotch and says the drink will make her feel
better; after all, it is their wedding day.
Amanda quietly says, "Some wedding..."
In the flat at the back of Dural, Fiona is looking
at Lisa's designs, and she points to one she says she'd like.
Lisa tells her that it would suit her. Fiona asks for an adjustment
to be made to the collar. Having satisfied herself with this,
she asks Lisa what time her appointment is. Lisa says it's at
nine. Fiona tells her that, when Mr. Downey sees her sketches,
he's going to be knocked right out! Lisa replies that, as long
as he puts up the money, she doesn't care what he thinks!
Fiona tells Lisa that she doesn't have a thing to worry
about - after all, she's got quite a reputation! Changing the
subject, Lisa says she thought she'd drop by the hospital on the
way home, and see Terry. Fiona asks her if she's still happy to
stay around until Terry gets back on his feet properly. Lisa says,
"Sure - why?" Fiona says she thought she might have
had a change of heart, but Lisa assures her that she hasn't. She
then says she has to go. As she opens the door, John is standing
there, just about to knock. Lisa tells him that she has to go,
and she asks him to wish her luck. John wishes her luck! She goes.
John walks into the flat and tells Fiona that he has bad news:
Dee Morrell died yesterday. Looking shocked, Fiona cries, "Oh,
no..." John explains that he heard it from Gordon - they
just heard from Melbourne; he and Barbara are flying down
this morning with Stephen and Patricia. Fiona says, "Poor
Barbara..." She asks if Gordon said how Barbara was,
but John says he didn't - although he supposes she's pretty upset.
Fiona asks when the funeral is, and John replies that Gordon thinks
it's tomorrow; the will's being read this afternoon, though. Fiona,
looking surprised, says, "Before the funeral?"
John replies, "Apparently." He adds that the race for
the money will be on now, and he asks Fiona if she has any bets
on who's going to win. Fiona looks worried.
Kevin is on the 'phone at the Palmers' - he says
he's sorry to hear. He hangs up and goes into the kitchen, where
David and Beryl are eating, and tells them that that was Wayne:
Mrs. Morrell's dead. David and Beryl look shocked. Beryl asks
when it happened, and Kevin says it was yesterday morning, just
after eleven. Beryl says she doesn't believe it, and
Kevin agrees that it's awful. He then adds that he has to get
a move on, as there's a lot to sort out; Wayne wants him to go
to the house instead of the office. He goes. Beryl says to David
that he knows what this means: they were probably the last people
to see her... David tells Beryl that they can't know
that for sure, but Beryl continues that, when Dee was
calling out, she might really have needed help. David
points out that she was a sick old lady, and it could have happened
at any minute. Beryl says she knows, but... David asks
how anyone can know for sure, and he reminds
Beryl that she said before that she'd seen Dee put on an act.
Beryl says she knows, but she might have been able to do
something. David tells her that she might not have. He
asks Beryl if she's OK. Beryl reluctantly says, "Yes..."
At the Sydney apartment, Stephen hugs Barbara and
asks her if she's alright. Barbara quietly says, "Uh huh."
She looks upset, and says she had a bit of a cry on the way over;
she then adds that she can't pretend she feels any great loss,
though, because she doesn't. Stephen tells her that he
feels the same way. Gordon and Patricia are standing nearby, as
Stephen says it's a pity she had to die alone. Barbara says it
was the way she lived, and Stephen says he supposes so.
Barbara remarks that it's funny: she knows they never had much
in common, but it's hard to realise she's gone. The two
of them sit down on the settee. Gordon asks Stephen if he has
any idea why the will is being read before the funeral, but Stephen
says he hasn't the faintest. Barbara says she thought
Dee might have said something to Stephen and Patricia before they
left, but Patricia says she didn't. Stephen sourly remarks
that it's another one of her games, and Gordon agrees
that it probably is, although he adds that it still seems very
odd. He then says he'll put the cases in the car, and
he asks Patricia if they're ready. Patricia says she has a few
more things to pack. The two of them leave the room. Stephen hugs
Amanda opens the door to Kevin, at Toorak. Wayne
is sitting at the desk in the lounge room, and he suddenly looks
very smug. By the door, Kevin tells Amanda that he's sorry to
hear about her grandmother. He comes in and joins Wayne in the
lounge room. Wayne stands up and asks Amanda to leave them alone
for a minute. As she goes, he asks her to close the door. Kevin
apologises to Wayne for being late, and he explains that there
was a smash on the Toorak road, which held him up. Wayne says
that's OK. Kevin then says he supposes things are in a bit of
a mess, and Wayne replies, "You could say that."
Kevin asks Wayne what he wants him to do, and Wayne replies, "Nothing
really." Kevin looks surprised. Wayne continues, "I
called you in here to give you the sack." He hands over an
envelope and tells Kevin that it's a week's salary in lieu of
notice. Looking shocked, Kevin asks why. Wayne tells
him that it's because there's no job for him there, anymore. Kevin
retorts that Dee said he was doing alright, but Wayne
nastily says, "Dee's dead. I'm looking after everything
now, and I don't want you around." He adds that Kevin was
only hired because Dee wanted to annoy Patricia. Kevin says he
doesn't believe it, but Wayne smiles nastily and asks him if he
seriously thinks it was for his business ability. Kevin
says yes, it was; Dee said she wanted to give him a chance.
Wayne says, "I've got news for you, mate: you're a deadhead
- labouring is much more your style." Kevin looks
at Wayne angrily and sourly comments that he's really enjoying
this. Wayne smiles and says he certainly is: sacking
a Palmer is a pleasure. He adds that, from now on, he
probably won't have to have anything to do with
Kevin's family. He walks off, leaving Kevin looking dumbfounded.
Beryl is on the 'phone at the Palmers'. David is
in the kitchen. Beryl thanks the caller and then hangs up. David,
who's searching through his toolbox, asks if Beryl's seen his
screwdiver. When she doesn't answer, he looks up at her and sees
a puzzled look upon her face. He asks what's wrong, and Beryl
replies, "I can't understand it - something very
strange is going on..."
Lisa arrives back at the flat at Dural. She leaves
the front door open and heads off to one of the back rooms. Charlie
walks up to the door and knocks on it. She calls out to ask if
anybody's home, but there's no answer. She spots Lisa's drawings
lying on the couch and decides to come in and have a look. Lisa
suddenly returns from the back room and, surprised to see someone
there, says, "Do you mind?" Startled, Charlie
tells Lisa that she gave her such a fright! Lisa snaps
that the drawings are supposed to be private. Charlie
says she's sorry, but she couldn't resist having a peek; she thinks
they're very good. Lisa takes the drawings and puts them away.
Charlie explains that she heard on the grapevine that Lisa's talented;
it seems she's found the person she's looking for. Lisa
asks her what she means, and Charlie introduces herself, explaining
that she lives next door. She continues that, when she heard a
brilliant young designer was living there, she thought she just
had to come and meet her. She then explains that she
needs a new outfit, and she asks Lisa if she does one-offs. Lisa
replies that she does, but they're quite expensive. Charlie,
though, tells her that money's no problem - as long as it's stunning
and exclusive. Lisa looks at Charlie intently and then says that,
in that case, she's sure they can come to some sort of arrangement.
Charlie happily says she's sure they can.
At Toorak, Amanda tells Wayne that she's not looking
forward to this. Wayne assures her that she'll be alright, and
he tells her to just act naturally and be perfectly charming.
He opens the front door to Stephen, Patricia, Gordon and Barbara.
The greetings between the two groups are hostile, but this doesn't
stop Wayne from smiling and offering drinks. Amanda chips in that
she's made coffee. Barbara and Gordon both accept coffee, but
Patricia says she'll have a drink. Stephen declines both. Wayne
tells Amanda that he'll give her a hand, but she declines, so
Wayne joins the others in the lounge room, where he asks how the
flight was. Barbara says it was boring, as usual. Stephen comments
that the high point was when the hostess spilt some coffee on
him! Everyone sits down and Wayne offers some sandwiches, but
nobody wants anything. Amanda comes in with the coffee, and Stephen
asks her if she's got a job yet. Amanda says she hasn't.
Stephen then asks her if she has any prospects, but Amanda
says, "Not really." Stephen doesn't look impressed.
Wayne asks how the weather was, up in Sydney, but Patricia impatiently
snaps that it hasn't changed since he asked the same question
this morning. Wayne smiles and lightheartedly says, "Ah,
yes - sorry!" Annoyed at the smalltalk, Patricia asks what's
going on, adding that they didn't come there to discuss inanities
and pretend they're mad about each other. Wayne smiles
and explains that he has a few things to tell them. Patricia snaps,
"Get on with it, then." Wayne looks at Gordon
and says, "I know this will probably upset you, Gordy, but
I've had my name changed by deed poll." Gordon looks astonished
as Wayne says, "You're looking at Wayne Morrell." He
turns to Stephen and says, "How about that, Dad?!"
Stephen looks shocked. Wayne continues that he'd also like them
to meet his wife, and he puts his arm around Amanda. Everyone
looks shocked.
Charlie is looking at Lisa's designs, and she hits
upon one that she likes, but she says it might be a bit 'way out'.
Lisa suggests she go for the other one she's picked, but Charlie
says she likes them both! Indicating the first drawing,
Lisa tells her to be a devil, and Charlie agrees! She asks how
long it'll take to make up, and Lisa replies that she couldn't
get it done in under a fortnight. Charlie assures her that that's
tons of time! Fiona suddenly comes in, and looks surprised
to see Charlie. She asks her what she's doing there, and Charlie
replies that there are two reasons. She asks if Fiona's heard
the dreadful news about Dee, and Fiona nods and replies that it
was quite a shock. Charlie says she knows, but it wasn't
unexpected. Fiona snaps that she wouldn't know; she wasn't
that close to the woman. She asks what the other
reason is, and Charlie smiles and says she wanted to meet Lisa
- she heard what a marvellous designer she was, and she wanted
to persuade her to design something special for her - and she
is! She adds that she's absolutely thrilled to bits
- plus Lisa told her this morning that she needs help getting
a backer for her collection so she's going to do it!
She tells Fiona that she'll be seeing a lot more of her from now
on. She laughs but Fiona puts on an excrutiating smile through
clenched teeth!
In the lounge room at Toorak, Gordon stands next
to Stephen and says, "You've done some stupid things before,
Wayne, but this takes the cake." Wayne is still
standing next to Amanda, by the fireplace. Amanda is stony-faced.
Wayne says he didn't think his father would be too pleased.
Gordon says, "Damn right I'm not." Wayne snaps,
"Tough." Stephen snaps to Amanda that he thought she'd
have more sense than to let Wayne force her into something like
this. Amanda protests that Wayne didn't force her into anything;
she did it because she wanted to. Gordon says he
doesn't see why they had to go through with it - it was a ridiculous
idea in the first place. He adds that Dee's dead, so
what difference does it make? Wayne bluntly replies, "We
wouldn't get the money if we weren't married." Gordon
says, "Money - that's all you think about."
With a glance at Patricia, Wayne growls, "Look who taught
me." Patricia, who's sitting in an armchair, asks Wayne what
makes him so sure he's going to get anything now. Wayne says Dee
promised him, but Patricia says that's no guarantee -
she could have left the lot to the dogs' home, for all Wayne knows.
Barbara chips in that she wouldn't be surprised. Wayne says he'll
take his chances. Barbara asks what happens if they end up with
nothing, but Wayne glibly says he hasn't even considered
it. Barbara tells Wayne that he's a fool, then, because if there
is no money, she'd like to know how long their marriage
is going to last. Wayne nastily asks Barbara if she knows what
he thinks gets under her skin. He doesn't wait for a response
before saying it's the fact that it's done, and there's nothing
any of them can do about it. Gordon then asks Wayne if
he knows what his problem is: "You think you're
smarter than everyone else." He walks over to the
settee and sits down next to Barbara, telling Wayne as he does
so that he's come a cropper before and it'll happen again.
There's suddenly a knock at the front door, and Amanda goes to
get it. Wayne says to Gordon that that's what he'd like,
but he's wrong: "For once in my life, I'm going
to have the last laugh." Gordon says they'll see
about that... Wayne says they won't have long to wait until they
find out. Expecting to see the solicitor walk in, Wayne is surprised
when he sees it's actually Beryl. He asks her, "What are
you doing here?" Beryl comes in and says she doesn't
know, actually - she had a call from Dee's solicitor: apparently
she's inherited something. Wayne looks shocked.
A short while later, Amanda is sitting in her quarters
when Wayne walks in. She asks if they've recovered from Beryl
arriving, but Wayne sourly says, "Not really." He continues,
"They're sitting there like a pack of zombies, staring at
each other - I had to get out." He then remarks that Dee
said her will would irritate Patricia, but he never thought
she'd leave anything to Beryl Palmer; Amanda; him; Barbara,
yes; but her... He adds that that's if Dee has
left anything to the two of them. Amanda reminds
him that a few minutes ago, he was pretty certain. Wayne
asks who knows what the old biddy was thinking at the
end - she might have gone back on her promise. Amanda snaps that
it's about what Wayne deserves, marrying so quickly after she
died. She tells him that she's met some hard people in her time,
but Wayne takes the cake. Wayne snaps that he believes
in surviving. Patricia comes in and says that, if they
want to know who's won the raffle, the solicitor's arrived. Amanda
stands up and tells Wayne that she'll see him inside. She leaves
the room. Patricia says to Wayne, "Must be butterflies in
the tummy time, now that Beryl's arrived." She then
adds that she wouldn't worry too much - she's sure Dee will have
kept her word to look after her granddaughter and her new husband.
Wayne says he's sure she has. Patricia smiles and tells
him that he shouldn't be too confident - even if he has
cracked it for first prize, he's going to need more than money
to keep him going. Wayne says, "Such as?" Patricia laughs
and says, "Let's face it: you've never been blessed with
what one could call a brain." Wayne looks annoyed
as Patricia continues that he's managed to muddle his way through
in sort of a haphazard way, but he's only really been successful
when he's had somebody beside him with a bit of push and a bit
of knowhow - like Dee - "...and me." Wayne
laughs and tells Patricia that she's really packing it.
Patricia asks how on earth he came to that conclusion.
Wayne nastily says, "Reckon I'm going to need your help,
do you?" Patricia replies that she can't imagine anybody
else even vaguely considering giving it. She adds, "Yes,
you'll need my help - you'll come running for it."
Wayne smiles and says, "Talk about hedge your bets.
Just in case poor old Pat doesn't crack it for much herself, she's
going to make sure she's in with little Wayne." He adds,
"We'll see about that." He walks out.
Patricia stands there looking annoyed, but she soon follows him.
In the lounge room, Stephen, Beryl, Barbara and
Gordon are all sitting down. Amanda is standing behind Barbara
and Gordon and Mr. Pritchard is standing by the desk. He is explaining
that Mrs. Morrell took great pains to ensure her wishes be adhered
to in detail. Wayne and Patricia walk in as he says he has a video
tape cassette. He tells the assembled group that the tape runs
for just over ten minutes and was recorded in that very room;
it was forwarded to their offices on the same day. He continues
that he's already played through the tape; therefore, he can tell
them that it loosely summarises the contents of the will; he'll
be going through the will in its written form afterwards, but
it was Mrs. Morrell's express wish that he play the tape to them
first. Barbara sourly says, "What would you know, she'd do
something different?" Mr. Pritchard remarks that
he gathers from their reactions that they find the idea a little
unusual. He adds that it's fast becoming an accepted procedure,
he understands, in the United States. Patricia sourly comments
that Dee probably read it in a magazine at the hairdressers! Stephen
says, "Just as long as she leaves us with a little
dignity." Beryl embarrassedly says she feels like a real
outsider, but Barbara tells her not to be silly. Mr. Pritchard
inserts the tape into the video player.
David is in the kitchen at the Palmers' when Kevin
comes in. He asks him what he's doing home at this time, but Kevin
ignores this and asks if Tony and his mum are there. David says
they're not. Kevin goes to the 'fridge as David tells him that
they both went over to Alice's sister's. He asks why the interest,
but Kevin doesn't answer; instead, he tells David about how he
turned up for work this morning and was sacked on the spot. David
incredulously says, "What?" Kevin continues
that he didn't waste any time: he went straight to the CES to
register - only they wanted something from his previous employer,
in writing, stating why he was sacked, and there's no way he's
going back to Wayne to ask for a letter. David points out that
there's always the bank, and Kevin says he knows, but
he left there, and if he went back, it would be like giving in
- and he's not giving in. David remarks that it sounds
to him as if Kevin's being a bit stubborn. Kevin says he's not,
but he has to prove to himself that he can do something better.
He adds that at least Victor gave him a good reference - that's
a start. David tells him not to let his stupid pride stand in
the way. He then adds that, if it's any consolation, Beryl
might be able to help. Kevin asks what he's talking about, and
David replies that she's over at the Morrell house, as it seems
Mrs. Morrell might have left her something. Kevin looks
amazed, and says, "You're joking!" David replies
that it wouldn't be much, but it would be a help.
At Toorak, the video is playing, and Dee is on-screen.
She addresses those watching: "Doubtless this will surprise
you all. I'm rather sorry I can't be there to see your reactions!"
No one seems amused by this comment. Dee continues, "The
reason I decided to have my will read before the funeral
was, quite simply, to put you out of your misery. I know you've
all suffered a great deal during the past few months, wondering
just which way things might go for you. Bet you're feeling nervous..."
She pauses and then says, "Patricia? Stephen? How about you,
Barbara? Amanda? And I can just imagine Wayne. Well,
I suppose we'd better get on with it..."