Episode 873

Beryl after Gordon has proposed to her: she's told him that she'd
love to marry him, but she can't.
Episode 874

Wayne glaring at Fiona after she tells him that Moya Brinkley
isn't Tick's real mother; Tick is in a coma and Fiona has told
Wayne that he has to accept the truth about Moya and track down
Tick's real mother.
Episode 875

Debbie staring at Craig after he suggests that they get a flat
Episode 876

Caroline hugging Doug after he asks her for a second time to
marry him - and for the second time, she's said 'yes'!
Episode 877

Wayne looking horrified after discovering that Tick has run away
from hospital.
Episode 878

Wayne hugging Tick in relief at Dural after Tick tells Wayne
that he's still there for him, even though Gordon and Beryl are
moving out.
Episode 879

Fiona standing with Ginny, who has just snapped that she's fed
up with men using her, and from now on she's going to be the one
doing the using.
Episode 880

Wayne after telling Ginny that a land deal has fallen through
and he's been wiped out.
Episode 881

Wayne after telling Gordon and Beryl that there's one way they
can get back some of the money they've lost - but Fiona's not
going to like it.
Episode 882

Wayne looking annoyed after Alison tells him that he's got to
make a decision about whether to let Tick go.